The more you love yourself, the more you transcend negativity, connect compassionately with others, and become an ambassador of love in the world. Dr. Debra Reble shares sacred self-love practices you can use daily.

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Anger, fear, grief–oh my!? When you become comfortable being with uncomfortable emotions, you develop resilience and the ability to stay centered and flexible. Instead of getting dammed up and stuck inside you, your emotions will flow through you, and you’ll have access to the full range of their qualities, giving you agency and power to respond to life in the present moment.

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Connecting to the wisdom of our hearts rather than our heads appears to subvert the judging critical mind who wants to over think everything and undermine our sense of confidence in ourselves. Self-Nurturing Expert Kelley Grimes, MSW shares five ways to intentionally connect to the wisdom of your heart.

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In the space between your thoughts lies a silent wisdom—an illuminating code that is part of a computing system that exceeds the grasp of ordinary intelligence. This deep knowledge, which is more powerful and true than any other, can be known through only your intuitive nature — your quantum intelligence.

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Are you ready to become a beacon of light? Dawn Michele Jackson shares 4 steps to help you shine bright and create beautiful ripples of light in the world.

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