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Four Steps to Change Any Habit

Four Steps to Change Any Habit by Sarah Haas | #AspireMag

Ever notice how you take the same route home every day, and, even if you planned to make a stop or go somewhere else, you automatically drive home? 

That’s because it’s your habit. Your regular routine. Your brain’s path of least resistance. 

Your brain is programmed to conserve energy, so it creates neurological pathways that get stronger and stronger the more you use them. Then you don’t have to expend energy deciding what to do. 

You just automatically do it. 

But what if you’re stuck in a habit loop you want to get out of – like eating a row of Oreos every night while watching tv??? 

You CAN change any habit you want. All it takes a little detective work and some practice and you’ll create new brain pathways. Before you know it, your new HEALTHY habit becomes second nature. 

Here are Four Steps you can use to change any habit: 

  1. Identify the HABIT you want to change.

For example: snacking on junk food 

  1. Identify the TRIGGER for the habit.

Do you usually crave a snack: 

  • at a certain time of day? 
  • when you’re in a specific place? 
  • when you’re with a certain person? 
  • when you’re engaged in a specific activity? 
  • when you’re feeling an emotion? 

The trigger is almost always one of these 👆 

  1. Identify the REWARD are you’re getting from this habit/routine/action.
  • an energy boost 
  • stress relief 
  • soothing an emotion (like loneliness, grief, anger…) 
  • boredom 

 THIS is where the magic happens….You’ll figure out what you’re REALLY craving. 

  1. SUBSTITUTE a new activity that gives you the same reward.
  • take a brisk walk in the fresh air for energy 
  • do a 5-minute deep breathing exercise for stress relief 
  • call a friend, cuddle your dog, write in a journal to soothe or work through emotions 

You may have to experiment a bit with this one to find what works for you. 

Studies show it takes 21 days to create a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change, so give yourself some time and some grace.  

Rev Up Your Midlife Metabolism ebook

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About the author 

Sarah Haas

Sarah Haas is Women’s Weight Release Expert & Body Love Coach, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, speaker and host of the Boss Body Podcast. She draws on her education and personal experiences as a fifty-year-old single mom and breast cancer survivor to walk alongside midlife women, and guiding and supporting them to become healthy, vibrant and unapologetically confident. Her holistic approach to creating overall health integrates nutrition, body movement, self-care, self-compassion, and body love to empower her clients to step into the sexy, authentic, joyful life they deserve. Download your supportive free gifts including the “No Excuses Lunch Guide to Boost Your Midlife Metabolism” guide and the "Rev Up Your Midlife Metabolism" guide today.

Check out the 30-day "Midlife Muscle & Metabolism" digital program for a workout you can do in just 12-minutes a day.

Ready to get moving again? Grab the instant access "6-week Walking for Weight Loss Digital Program for Beginners"

Visit for supportive resources, programs and more for midlife women ready to reclaim their health.

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