When it comes to releasing extra weight and getting healthy, we usually think of food and exercise. Of course, these are absolutely fundamental. But food and exercise are only PART of the equation.
You have access to all the workouts and meal plans in the world, but are you implementing them?
Are you sticking to a regular healthy routine?
Do you have the health you want?
I’m guessing if you’re reading this, you’re not there yet.
That’s because creating overall health and having the ability to stick to a healthy plan require you to go deeper in order to maintain it.
It has to be a holistic combination of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components.
Otherwise, you’re just working on surface level issues and not getting to what’s underneath that could be sabotaging your efforts and keeping you stuck repeating the stop/start pattern.
This could include your stress level, your career satisfaction, the quality of your relationships, getting enough rest and sleep, and so much more.
These factors all affect your ability to make healthy food choices, avoid emotional eating, and have the time and energy for exercise.
This why you need to incorporate all Four Pillars of Health: Eat, Move, Breathe & Thrive – if you want to release weight, feel good, live the life you want, AND stay in that place permanently.
Four Pillars of Health:
1.EAT: This is foundational.
You must nourish your body with healthy, delicious, satisfying food that give you energy and vitality.
2.MOVE: Exercise and body movement are also a must.
Find something you ENJOY so you’ll stick with it. Get accountability from a coach, friend, or exercise buddy to keep you on track.
3.BREATHE: Listen to your body, practice self-care, and get plenty of rest and rejuvenation.
If you don’t slow down and recharge, you will eventually revert back to the “path of least resistance,” – aka, fast food, convenience food, being sedentary, etc. You simply won’t have the energy to keep up your healthy habits.
4.THRIVE: Your mental health, mindset, confidence, joy, and feelings of worthiness all affect your ability to take positive action.
Having a positive self-image and outlook gives you energy and keeps you motivated, while talking sh*t to yourself brings you down and keeps you stuck.
Identify where you’re struggling and find ways to get the support you need. Hire a coach or mental health professional, join a support group, practice positive self-talk, or surround yourself with supportive friends and family.
Remember, you don’t have to do it all at once. The solution to making change and breaking patterns is taking one small step at a time. Each time you take a step in a different direction, you change your path’s trajectory.