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Cultivating Peace, One Thought at a Time

Cultivating Peace, One Thought at a Time by Kelley Grimes, MSW | #AspireMag

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” ~ Dalai Lama

Do you yearn for peace in the world? As the Dalai Lama and many other wise people remind us, peace cannot be found outside ourselves until we find it within. That is why I am so passionate about empowering people to cultivate peace and joy through the practice of self-nurturing so that we can create a more peaceful, joyful world.

Unfortunately the possibility of inner peace is regularly undermined by our own negative thoughts. There is no greater thief of inner peace than our constant negative self-talk.

But recognizing and transforming our negative self-talk and judgmental and anxious thoughts, to positive and uplifting ones can impact our brains in a very positive way and contribute to our overall sense of peace and well being.

Recently I read a fabulous book called Neurosculpting: A Whole-Brain Approach to Heal Trauma, Rewrite Limiting Beliefs and Find Wholeness by Lisa Wimberger. This book is a treasure trove of practices to cultivate inner peace and utilize the gift of neuroplasticity to change how our brain responds to stress and fear. There is even a chapter called “Cultivating Self-Nurture.”

Lisa describes neurosculpting as “a mental training process that quiets our fight-or-flight center and activates our pre-frontal cortex, which is the mind’s seat of our compassion and empathy.” Imagine the possibilities available to each of us when we view our lives through openhearted compassion and empathy, rather than closed fear and anxiety.

Self-awareness is an important first step in the process of transforming our thoughts.  As an observer, take a quick self-inventory of your most common thoughts throughout the day. Are they filled with gratitude, self-compassion and acceptance or more often worry, judgment and regret?

If you found yourself thinking more worried and negative thoughts you are not alone. What I find fascinating about the brain and neuroplasticity is that depending on the thoughts we think, we actually train our minds to focus on the negative or the positive.

And if we can train our minds, we have choice!

Lisa Wimberger posed two clarifying questions in her book, which I offer to you:

1. “What thoughts are you inputting that keep your limbic brain, or fear response exercised and strong and your prefrontal cortex weak and subordinate?”

2. “Would I input different thoughts or patterns if I had a direct line of communication with my highest self or spirit?”

Over the next few days, use these questions as a guide to bring more awareness to your thinking. If you find yourself anxious, notice if you are feeding your anxiety with more worried thoughts. Then with kindness and self-compassion, replace your fear-based thoughts with more empowered nurturing thoughts.

You have the ability to choose what seeds you nurture. So choose wisely. Don’t allow your negative thinking and self-talk steal your inner peace. Instead choose to reinforce thoughts, which nurture compassion, kindness and peace, rather than judgment, anxiety and shame.

Spend time journaling each day to bring more awareness to your thoughts and feelings. Identify your negative thoughts and self-talk and intentionally create new empowering messages to give yourself. Write those new nurturing thoughts out and repeat them often so that you train your mind to focus on the positive.

May you be empowered to cultivate inner peace, one thought at a time and may you live authentically in truth and beauty through the practice of self-nurturing!

The Self-Nurturing Starter Kit

Say yes to yourself and claim your Self-Nurturing Starter Kit today! Your supportive kit includes gorgeous printables, including the Self-Nurturing Affirmations poster, Self-Nurturing Permission Slip and the Self-Nurturing Breathe cards as well as a guided mediation and an audio guide. Give yourself the permission to nurture yourself.

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About the author 

Kelley Grimes, MSW

Kelley Grimes, MSW, is an empowering counselor, self-nurturing expert, sought-after speaker, best-selling author of The Art of Self-Nurturing: A Field Guide To Living With Peace, Joy and Meaning and expert columnist for Aspire Magazine. She is the founder of Cultivating Peace and Joy inspiring individuals to nurture peace in the world from the inside out.

Kelley is passionate about empowering overwhelmed and exhausted individuals to live with more peace, joy, and meaning through the practice of self-nurturing to heal and transform the world. In addition, she provides professional and leadership development to organizations dedicated to making the world a better place. She is a field instructor for local universities, loves mentoring Master of Social Work interns, and supervising the social work team for the Epilepsy Foundation.

She is a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop facilitator and has been invited to present at leading organizations, including: Alliance For Regional Solutions, Carlsbad Village Yoga, The Epilepsy Foundation, Exodus Recovery Inc., Girls Rising, Hands of Peace, Lifeline Community Services, MAAC, Regional Center, ResCare, Vista Community Clinic, and many school districts on a variety of topics including self-nurturing, stress management, mindfulness, trauma informed care, cultivating resilience, motivational interviewing, avoiding burnout, and staying grounded in uncertain times.

She also teaches self-nurturing practices and strategies to women overcoming domestic violence, homelessness and other major life challenges for Leap to Success where she serves as the Senior Director of Organizational Development, instructor and leadership coach.

She is married to an artist and board game maker and loves spending time with her adorable granddaughters, traveling, and singing with a small women’s group.

Download your supportive Self-Nurturing Starter Kit today!

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  • lisamanyon says:

    I choose peace always and these are some great points to ponder. Remembering that our state of mind is always a choice is so empowering.

    Write on!~


  • Melissa Rapoport says:

    I love these powerful ways in thinking how to reframe mind chatter into more life-affirming, self-loving thoughts. Awareness and practice … this to go hand-in-hand with meditation. In fact, it seems to be a mini-meditation all on its own. Thank you, Kelley!

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