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Creating an Authentic Loving Life List: Opportunity for a Loving Life

Creating an Authentic Loving Life List: Opportunity for a Loving Life by Wendy Van de Poll | #AspireMag

Can you imagine at this very moment in time there are several wonderful opportunities waiting for you? Did you know these opportunities can help you transform your life to one of brilliance, passion and truth?

The good news is that these opportunities are endless and they are here to help you redesign very specific parts of your life right now! They can help you transform your life from one of stagnation into a life you unquestionably love!

Sounds great doesn’t it? Rest assure these opportunities are waiting for you and I am going to share with you what I learned many years ago when I was presented with a prospect to change my life.

Are you ready to get started?

Before we get going first ask yourself, What would a life that you absolutely and unquestionably love look like?

Think about it for a while and write down the first things that come to your mind and send chills up your spine. Be honest, loving, respectful and authentic with yourself. Move beyond the obvious, mediocre and superficial. This list was named after one of my clients who transformed her life into love and magnificence. She named it “The Authentic Loving Life List.”

It is important with this exercise to stay in the present and think about those things where your soul is satisfied. Yes, you can write down everything that has to do with the daily events of your job, family and life but think of events, feelings and tasks that make you feel adventurous, self-nourished, self-invested, fun and relaxed.

When you do this exercise take is as far as you can go and take some risks. Reach deep into your intuition and inner feminine power. Then share with yourself ways that would create a life where you have peace of mind, finances in order, and a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

Also write down what you would need to have in your life where relationships do nothing less than inspire and stimulate you. Experience healthy intimacy that heals and provides you with soulful joy. Create a family and community for mutual love and support.

As you make your list you will see that your life has many opportunities waiting to help you become complete with meaningful and fulfilling ideas that work. Your gifts and talents that honor who you are and your uniqueness will become obvious. The goal is to set your platform to begin setting your intention where your life has adequate time for self-nourishment, self-investment, fun and relaxation.

Plus, the other great news is… you are setting your intention to bring forward a life where you receive an abundance of joy. By contributing to your personal well being you are also setting the stage for others to learn from your wisdom that you are obtaining from listening to your feminine power. This opportunity will propel you with your daily life that you love.

Please don’t doubt that you can never create a life like this for yourself. You can! By taking a deep breath, taking your time, being mindful and tapping into your intuition you will create your own personal journey list for living your life the way you love.

My first biggest piece of advice that I give to woman is to STOP waiting and waiting for things to get better someday. When you do this you are always waiting for the weekend, waiting for a better job, waiting for the right partner and waiting for things to get better one day. You are waiting for the future to happen.

Living life by waiting for the future to happen just doesn’t work and can make you extremely frustrated with anxiety. Waiting is unfairly putting yourself into a place that is impossible to obtain. It creates a pattern of self-sabotage that inhibits your personal growth. Remember, it is what you create in the present that really counts and helps you feel peaceful, loving and happy!

My second piece of advice is to stop worrying about what you did in the past. When you live your life with a daily dose of reliving what you did in the past you automatically block any forward movement to make great changes in your life. Again, frustration takes it course and love takes the back seat.

Living in the past makes setting intentions, nourishing your dreams and embracing your truth much more difficult to obtain. And then guess what? You sabotage yourself again, get frustrated and worry even more about your actions and the future. Living in the past can be purely exhausting.

Thirdly, the most critical and important way to transform your life to one of incredible love and happiness is to stop letting your fear, habits, concern, worry, drama and all the emotional clutter that stands in your way rule your life! It dilutes that wonderful list that you created and creates misdirected chaos. It also keeps your from reaching your authentic self.

Here is the thing… I used to live my life in chaos. I remember I was miserable beyond belief and had a life I really didn’t like much. I was in agony and totally miserable. It wasn’t until I realized living my life in the past and waiting for future to happen was one of my issues and made me absolutely crazy.

When I finally listened to my intuition it directed me to create my “Authentic Loving Life List.” When this happened I knew I received a tremendous gift and if I listened my life would change.

My list allowed me to finally create a positive present time relationship with the realities of my life. When I ultimately realized that there were so many opportunities for me to grow and love my life drastically changed. I was then able to personally create my intentions to finally move on to a more positive and incredible life that I now absolutely love and am passionate about!

Remember your most challenging obstacle to reaching a life that you love is your own self-doubt, fear, lack of commitment, worry and drama. Be kind and loving to yourself and let those feelings stop ruling your life. By making your “Authentic Loving Life List” you are getting over the mind clutter that inhibits your forward action to move towards your own magnificence.


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About the author 

Wendy Van de Poll

Wendy Van de Poll is sought after Animal Communicator Expert and Intuitive Life Path Coach dedicated to empowering women in discovering their Sacred Soul Promises and learning to trust their intuition. Using her intuitive coaching process, and with Sacred Soul Promises as a starting point, Wendy brings in the energy and messages of your animals (past and present) to empower and support you in knowing yourself on a deeper, more intimate level. She is the creator of The Sacred Soul Promise Method™ and The MarleyBee Foundation™. Wendy holds a Master’s of Science degree in Wolf Ecology and Behavior and has run with wild wolves in Minnesota, coyotes in Massachusetts and foxes in her backyard. In the recent past, Wendy was the past host of the syndicated radio show “Beyond Animal Speak’ as well as serving as a Massage Therapist for Humans, Horses and Hounds. Learn more about Wendy’s Intuitive Life Path Readings, Coaching and Animal Communication sessions at

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  • Perfect, Wendy! I’m coming back to read this again with plenty of time for reflection and note taking. Every time I do this process, it gets better and better!

  • I have a vision board that really needed a name. I think I will call it My Authentic Loving Life List! Great morning reading with coffee. Thank you!

  • Kellie R. Stone says:

    Love the reminder to stay in the present. I’ve done that waiting for the future thing too many times to count. It never works out. It only causes that frustration and anxiety you spoke of. I think a good word for living for the now is this: Chill.

  • Dr Debra Reble says:

    I love this article Wendy. You have given new meaning and depth to my Leap for Joy List. Love needs to be at the top of everyone’s list! Thank you for sharing such wise and valuable insight.

  • Mary Pritchard says:

    I love the idea of creating a life you love! Life happens for us, not to us!

  • Chara Armon says:

    Wendy, I love this. We need more and more and more of this message until everyone gets it! It’s still somewhat counter-cultural, but much less so than it used to be, I think.

  • Excellent advice. I particularly like your suggestion to forget worrying about what you did in the past. Making a list and looking things over brings clarity and growth. That’s what we are here for after all!

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