by  Jami Hearn   

We are living in a world where accomplishment and checking things off our to-do lists is the driving force that moves us through the day. We have ignored the ability to tap into our own knowing and intuition that is readily available to help us every moment of every day.

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Imagine a life where every waking moment is infused with a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. A life where the weight of external expectations melts away, leaving you free to dance to the rhythm of your own soul. This is the magic of embracing an authentic and aligned existence

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If you are ready to dedicate yourself to love this year, let’s make loving yourself the cornerstone. Self-Nurturing Expert Kelley Grimes, MSW shares four ways you can explore loving yourself.

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Our minds and bodies react to the change in our lives. If we don’t deal with the emotions, the grief shows up in other ways like anger at ourselves or others, drinking, overeating or undereating, and workaholism, to name a few. At some point, this is different for each of us and with each change, we are ready to move forward. This doesn’t mean forgetting or pretending the event didn’t happen. It means the pain of staying where we are is worse than the idea of moving forward.

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by  Kris Carr   

Anxiety. Fear. Grief. If you’re anything like me, you may simply want to weed whack the crap out of these strong emotions and just be done with them. In reality, tending to them lovingly, with gentle pruning and better habits, is a far more productive and sustainable path, helping you rewire your brain, set yourself free from your unconscious (or semiconscious) addiction to fear and worry, and enjoy a bigger, fuller life.

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