by  Cyndi Dale   

Why am I talking about exercise and sports in a feminine spiritual outlet? What better place to speak to body expression? Women, no matter the basis of their sexual and gender identifications, have the right to enjoy their bodies, and exercise is key to this endeavor.

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by  Sarah Haas   

Holding on to anger or resentment towards someone or something that you feel wronged or betrayed you can affect, not just your mental, but also your physical health. In order to be truly healthy, light and free, you must first release what’s weighing you down.

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“Nourishment is more than a diet, a set of foods”, shares Ellen Meredith, author of Your Body Will Show You the Way. When you reimagine nourishment, you begin to look at what physically, emotionally, and energetically nourishes you as well.

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Everyone can benefit from healing and transforming themselves. Each of the twelve signs of the zodiac can utilize their personality traits to accomplish three things: transformation, healing, and resiliency. Let’s begin by talking about self-care and why healing is so important.

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Calming our mind helps relieve stress and pain in our body. So how do we take advantage of the mind-body connection? The natural antidote to the stress response is the relaxation response, part of the parasympathetic nervous system, that stops the release of stress hormones and triggers hormones that relax us and enhance our sense of well-being. Our heart rate and breathing slow down, our blood pressure drops, and our tense muscles relax. By intentionally activating our relaxation response throughout the day, we can stop living triggered and on high-alert.

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