Nurturing ourselves is an essential part of path to reconnect with our true selves and deepen our self-awareness, self-compassion and self-acceptance. Adding these 7 nurturing practices into your self-nurturing tool kit will empower you to transform your past hurts and trauma into healing and growth.

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Through healing my own my body image issues I learned two important things that I now incorporate into my work with my clients. First, Body Love is a skill. You can learn it and, like any skill, improve with practice. You only have to open yourself up and allow the transformation to occur. Second, Body Love is also as an activity, something that involves action that we both consciously and physically take part in creating, and not just feelings or state of mind. Part of the skill of loving your body is that you actually have to mindfully do it. Grab your journal and pen and do the transformational process shared in this issue and begin your body love journey.

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by  Mia Moran   

Kick-off your holiday season with 7 healthy strategies that will transform December and jump-start your commitment to a healthy 2016! Try these 3 decadent Gluten-free, Dairy-free, and Sugar-free recipes!

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Are you ready to heal your BodyShame? The Reclaiming BodyLove column offers supportive guidance for women desiring a healthier, more loving relationship with food, their bodies, and themselves. Psychologist and BodyLove Expert Dr. Mary E. Pritchard brings a unique and powerful perspective to her clients and our readers.

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Though it is easy to pick out the flaws of our physical appearance, self-love begins with accepting ourselves as we are. By recognizing our own beauty, we allow ourselves to shine

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