When we choose to be understanding and kind to ourselves instead of beating ourselves up, we transform our self-criticism and judgment into self-acceptance and love, which allows space for true change to occur.

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Taking a holistic approach to overcoming a child’s health challenge starts by taking consistent steps toward healthy habits. After her own child’s health crisis, Family Health Coach Amanda Hinman of the Hinman Holistic Institute shares the 7 steps she uses in her practice, and in her own family, to increase a child’s health & happiness.

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by  Nancy Levin   

Feeling worthy and deserving of our desires without worrying about the logistics and implementation—is the portal into the process of healing, truth-telling, and transformation. In this intimate, raw, and vulnerable article Nancy Levin, bestselling Hay House author of Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth and Jump … And Your Life Will Appear shares one of the most intimate and painful moments in her life with the hope that it serves as a compass to lead you back to yourself.

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Connecting to and changing the energy in our homes is one way to create a stable foundation from which we can make many mindset and other actionable changes in our lives to create an inner and outer environment that is safe, secure and nurturing and that promotes wellness in our lives. Feng Shui and Certified Soul Coach Felicia D’Haiti shares 5 ways you can shift the energy of your home.

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Let me take you back to the day that changed everything. It’s 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon in April, I’m standing at the kitchen sink making dinner and heard grunting sounds. I turned to look over my shoulder to see my 8 year old daughter hunched and convulsing, drooling from the mouth…she was having a seizure. Though the next four months were the most challenging months of my life there was a silver lining. One that led to important changes in my family’s diet and health.

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