There is no more important time for self-nurturing than when we are experiencing grief and fear. And although it is a challenge, it is essential to find gentle ways to care for ourselves during these difficult times.

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Embracing self-acceptance will create ripple effects in your life and empower others around you to accept themselves – creating more and more sense of belonging in the world. The more you commit to authentically showing up in your life, the more you give others permission to do the same and the deeper your relationships become.

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Most of us know that when we focus on what we are grateful for we feel good. More and more research reinforces that gratitude positively impacts our mood, attitude, health and well-being. Being grateful makes us more optimistic, energetic, resilient, peaceful, and productive. We feel better about ourselves, and our lives, and even live longer when we are grounded in gratitude.

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Without the fundamental practice of forgiving ourselves, we are unable to find peace and cultivate self-compassion. Without learning how to forgive others we are trapped in our own anger and resentment, which drains away our peace of mind and closes down our hearts.

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It is remarkable how an act of kindness can have such a powerful effect and reconnect us with our truth. An unexpected act of kindness is like a mirror reflecting back our own value and worth and may come just when we need it most if we allow ourselves to receive it.

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