Have you been listening to and attending to everyone else’s needs but your own lately and found yourself feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Have you been living this way for so long that it just feels normal? Well if so you are not alone. Many people, especially women, focus on meeting everyone else’s needs in their personal and professional lives, which leaves little time and energy left to meet their own needs.

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Throughout my life gratitude has been my saving grace, has prevented me from drowning in grief, and has quite literally saved my life. Intentionally including gratitude into my daily life transformed my mindset completely and even allowed me to identify the blessings of being the parent of a child with a chronic health challenge. This gift of gratitude, however, did not arrive neatly packaged as common sense on my doorstep.

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When we include mindfulness into our family life, we can be more present, open hearted and aware of ourselves, which benefits everyone! The power of mindfulness is that it allows us to become more aware of ourselves while creating space around us to be more accepting, compassionate and kind to ourselves and others as a result.

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If we are lucky, we will have many opportunities in our lifetime to experience a variety of transitions like going away to college, a new relationship, new job, new home, new member of the family and different aspects of the process of aging. Although many of these experiences can be challenging, they always provide us opportunities to learn and grow.

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How many times have you found yourself on the bottom of your “to do” list, never quite finding the time to take care of you? It’s time to change that. Self-nurturing Expert Kelley Grimes, MSW shares some tips to shift your habit of self-neglect into a practice of self-nurturing and create a more loving relationship with yourself

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