What if instead of placing ourselves at the bottom of our “To Do” lists, we prioritized time each day to nurture and care for ourselves? Even spending 10 minutes doing something kind and loving for ourselves can create ripples of hope and possibility that our lives can be different. Self-Nurturing Expert Kelley Grimes, MSW shares seven ways to embrace self-nurturing in your life that will empower you to love and care for yourself and live with more peace, joy, and gratitude.

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At this time of year with the winter holidays and the New Year upon us, we have a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the art of giving and receiving. We all know how good giving feels but how good are you at receiving? Self-Nurturing Expert Kelley Grimes shares three reflection questions to help you strengthen your receiving muscles.

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What if instead of holding ourselves to unrealistic and unattainable expectations, we give up on being perfect and choose to cultivate nurturing expectations of ourselves. Self-nurturing expert Kelley Grimes, MSW shares 5 steps to giving up perfectionism so you can thrive in your life.

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Enjoy the first article in Aspire Magazine’s new column series, The Art of Self-Nurturing. The Aspire Mag family is thrilled to welcome Self-Nurturing Expert and Bestselling Author Kelley Grimes, MSW to our circle. Kelley will share nurturing ideas and strategies to deeply connect with yourself, new ways to cultivate peace and joy, and inspiration to invite more self-compassion, self-awareness, inspired action, gratitude, and vibrant health and wellness into your life.

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In order to break free of feeling stuck in our own judgment and shame, and make new empowered and nurturing choices in our lives, we must develop a new loving relationship with our bodies. Self-nurturing expert Kelley Grimes, MSW shares five ways to begin to lovingly nurture your body.

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