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7 Ways to Nurture Your Mind, Body and Spirit for Vibrant Health

7 Ways to Nurture Your Mind, Body and Spirit for Vibrant Health by Kelley Grimes, MSW | #AspireMag

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy,

care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” ~ Jean Shinoda Bolen

Nurturing ourselves consistently is essential to feeling vibrantly healthy. Unfortunately we all too often prioritize everything else in our lives except caring for ourselves and end up feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

As a result, many of us live in a state of chronic stress. This takes a huge toll on our mental and physical health and some of us become sick, anxious and/or depressed. Our relationships with others suffer as well, since we may feel irritable, impatient and resentful about all we do for others. Over time we end up feeling stuck, trapped on this hamster’s wheel of life, not knowing how to get off.

Fortunately it does not have to stay that way. The most powerful way to transform stress and overwhelm is by nurturing ourselves consistently. And as they say, the best health care is self-care.

Now since most of us have many responsibilities and limited time, I recommend that we engage in self-nurturing activities that give us the biggest bang for our buck. Since we recognize that our minds, bodies and spirits are connected, it is important to find ways to nurture our selves that feed all three. When we do, we elevate our experience to one of sacred self-care.

Here are the top seven ways to nurture your mind, body and spirit:

1.    Meditate

Research shows that meditation has incredible benefits for the mind, body and spirit. Recently studies have shown that meditation is as helpful for decreasing depression as medication and lowers the stress response in the body. As we know, people have been nurturing their spirits for thousands of years with meditation. And as a bonus when we regularly mediate we become more self-aware and thus make healthier choices for ourselves.

Whether you are a seasoned mediator or just beginning, include the following self-nurturing practice in your day: Pause and breathe in and out intentionally a few times. Bringing the spirit of curiosity rather than judgment, check in with your body for any discomfort or tension you may feel; return to your breath for a few cycles; then notice your thoughts and without chasing after them, label them: planning, worrying, regretting, etc.; then return to your breath for a few more cycles.  Meditation allows you to connect intentionally with your mind, body and spirit and nurtures vibrant health.

2.    Get Out In Nature

Most people experience a deep sense of peace being out in nature and report that nature nourishes their minds, bodies and spirits effortlessly. Nature connects us with our whole selves and invites us into the present moment. Watching the clouds, listening to the birds and seeing the beauty all around us fuels a sense of gratitude and deep appreciation for being alive. We often exercise while in nature which also fuels our vibrant health. Even if you live in an urban setting, taking a few minutes to walk outdoors, noticing the trees, plants and life around you can refresh and rejuvenate you!

3.    Cultivate Your Gratitude Practice

Acknowledging the blessings in our lives is deeply nourishing for our minds, bodies and spirits. Create a practice for sharing what you are grateful for both individually and with your family and friends. There are so many ways to express your gratitude including journaling, keeping a gratitude jar in your home or office for people to write down what they are grateful for and then place in the jar, and sharing your gratitude at meals, meetings and other gatherings. Notice how your mind, body and spirit respond when you approach the world with a grateful heart. Gratitude promotes vibrant health!

4.    Be Creative

Like being in nature, creativity connects and nourishes our minds, bodies and spirits in a joyful easy way. Expressing our creativity is a wonderful self-nurturing practice. There are infinite ways to nurture yourself with creativity including drawing, coloring, collaging, painting, creating an alter, decorating your home or office, gardening, writing, dancing, singing and/or playing an instrument. You do not need to identify as an artist to nurture yourself with creativity. You only need to allow yourself to express your authentic truth and beauty!

5.    Write A Love Note

I am a big believer in the nurturing practice of expressing love to yourself and others! Writing love notes is a fun and nurturing way to spread love and kindness in the world.Start by writing a love note to yourself, acknowledging your love and appreciation for you. This may be a challenge for some but I promise it will be a healing experience and an excellent reminder when you are feeling down or unwell. Next leave a love note for your beloved family member and/or friend and let them know how much they mean to you.

You can expand this practice out into the world and paint love note signs and leave them at parks, on nature trails or anywhere in public to spread love and positivity. Some of the signs I have painted say: you are loved, you matter, cultivate peace and joy, hope, believe in possibility, and you are enough. I find being creative and encouraging others with love notes to be deeply nurturing for my mind, body and spirit!

6.    Mindfully Eat Food You Love

The practice of mindful eating is not only empowering, but also very nourishing to your mind, body and spirit. Research shows that eating mindfully supports healthy food choices, creates more awareness of portion size, reduces overeating and increases our appreciation of food.  Embracing the practice of mindfulness when eating food you love is even more meaningful. To start, decide to eat one meal without distractions of technology or phones and bring your total awareness and all your senses to the experience of eating. Notice the difference that it makes to be fully present while eating!

7.    Play

Having unstructured and unscheduled time to play is so important for our vibrant health. Whether you are playing board games (my family’s favorite), a sport, or playing on the floor with children or your dog, allowing yourself time to play and be in the moment is essential for living with more peace and joy. So give yourself permission today to play!

Empower yourself with these seven nurturing practices to embrace feeling vibrantly healthy. Try one each day and reflect on the difference it makes to your overall health and wellness.

May you embrace the practice of self-nurturing to support your vibrant health and may you live authentically in truth and beauty nurturing peace and joy in the world from the inside out!

Peace, love and gratitude, Kelley

The Self-Nurturing Starter Kit

Say yes to yourself and claim your Self-Nurturing Starter Kit today! Your supportive kit includes gorgeous printables, including the Self-Nurturing Affirmations poster, Self-Nurturing Permission Slip and the Self-Nurturing Breathe cards as well as a guided mediation and an audio guide. Give yourself the permission to nurture yourself.

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About the author 

Kelley Grimes, MSW

Kelley Grimes, MSW, is an empowering counselor, self-nurturing expert, sought-after speaker, best-selling author of The Art of Self-Nurturing: A Field Guide To Living With Peace, Joy and Meaning and expert columnist for Aspire Magazine. She is the founder of Cultivating Peace and Joy inspiring individuals to nurture peace in the world from the inside out.

Kelley is passionate about empowering overwhelmed and exhausted individuals to live with more peace, joy, and meaning through the practice of self-nurturing to heal and transform the world. In addition, she provides professional and leadership development to organizations dedicated to making the world a better place. She is a field instructor for local universities, loves mentoring Master of Social Work interns, and supervising the social work team for the Epilepsy Foundation.

She is a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop facilitator and has been invited to present at leading organizations, including: Alliance For Regional Solutions, Carlsbad Village Yoga, The Epilepsy Foundation, Exodus Recovery Inc., Girls Rising, Hands of Peace, Lifeline Community Services, MAAC, Regional Center, ResCare, Vista Community Clinic, and many school districts on a variety of topics including self-nurturing, stress management, mindfulness, trauma informed care, cultivating resilience, motivational interviewing, avoiding burnout, and staying grounded in uncertain times.

She also teaches self-nurturing practices and strategies to women overcoming domestic violence, homelessness and other major life challenges for Leap to Success where she serves as the Senior Director of Organizational Development, instructor and leadership coach.

She is married to an artist and board game maker and loves spending time with her adorable granddaughters, traveling, and singing with a small women’s group.

Download your supportive Self-Nurturing Starter Kit today!

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