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7 Steps to Create an Authentic Life that You Love!

7 Steps to Create an Authentic Life that You Love! by Wendy Van de Poll | #AspireMag

Have you noticed that we now live in a world that is encouraging you to search for genuine and loving authenticity in your life? Have you also noticed you are on a path towards a deeper, more profound quest for balance than ever before? Or perhaps you are just beginning your search to find just one small thing that you can love about your life?

The great news is no matter where you are in your journey to create truth, abundance and authenticity you have come to the right place to discover and organize your intentions and passions.

I am so excited to share with you my most successful 7 step personal plan that many women have used to create their own authentic life that they are just crazy about.

With great tips and some guidance you can create an authentic life that you absolutely love, adore and have passion for!

So, let’s get started!

Presently, you may have been noticing some shifts in your life. Maybe you are noticing you are being called upon to participate in your own personal development with more awareness than ever before. Instead of resisting this pull consider yourself to be really fortunate.

Remember…you are living in an amazing time! As a woman your world is calling you into a search for authenticity and a quest for balance like never before!

For instance, are you noticing certain things are happening differently for you? Or are you having crazy new experiences in your…

  • Job, where you may be suddenly searching for more meaning and passion as much as you do for making money?
  • Relationships, where you may be strongly asking for spiritual and emotional connections, not just the physical presence of another person to connect with?
  • Families, where you may be looking for ways to change and grow happily and love deeply?
  • Finances, where you want to spend your money mindfully, achieving abundance and moving beyond greed?
  • World, where you want to live in harmony with the environment, nature and animals to create better health and happiness?
  • Daily life, where you are looking for ways you can make a difference and do wonderful things guided by heart and soul?
  • Spiritually, where you are looking for practices and connections, which resonate at a soul level. Plus, develop a practice that you look forward to everyday?
  • Heart, where you are looking for your essence, what makes you unique and what it is that you hold in common with others?

No matter where you are in your journey to live an honest and fulfilling life as a woman you may be finding yourself redefining what success really means to you! Wouldn’t you agree with me that this is a huge relief? To finally be able to do such a thing in order to make things better for you!

Even though it may seem difficult at times it is a soulful relief to move far away from the same old boring values of work and money toward a more soulful and meaningful life! By focusing more on personal fulfillment, social conscience, and creating the chance for a better future for everyone on the planet your work will become passionate and truthful.

Here is the thing…to make this happen remember to make the most out of every day. When you create an authentic life that you love it encourages you to live with great happiness and fulfillment.

7-Ways to Create a Genuine and Authentic Life You Can Love!

  1. Your Career…take time and use your intuition to meet and develop relationships with people who look forward to going to work and have created their dream job. These folks have created a career that is more than just a dream, but a dream-come-true. You will have great support and terrific role models for creating personal career plans.
  2. Your Home…it is important to turn your home into something cozy and productive. To have a home that is welcoming creates an authentic sanctuary of personal satisfaction and comfort.
  3. Your Abundance…this is a biggy for most people and a difficult one. Yet as you move towards your passion, nourish your dreams and become genuine in your truth you will find that you naturally move toward a rewarding life of abundance.
  4. Your Awareness of Planet Earth…feminine rituals of respect and celebration for the Earth can connect you to your intuition and intentions. Develop your own that show your passion and respect for nature, animals and workable environmental solutions. By doing this you will feel more directed.
  5. Your Health…you probably know that by making healthy choices for your body, mind and spirit you will build a solid foundation for yourself to move forward. Having a healthy body is the first step to vitality. Having a healthy mind frees you to a life of freedom and having a healthy spirit will be a life of celebration and truth.
  6. Your Relationships…by becoming clear with your relationships you develop truthful and authentic interactions with many types of folks.  You will find that love is what really matters and what catapults you into a life that you love.
  7. Your Spirituality…by being grounded in your spiritual practice you will see how genuine life and love are for you. You will also see how it can easily blend into your daily life with joy and passion.

Remember…being genuine and authentic in your journey can be done. Simply set the intention to create a life you love. With this also comes the ability to be completely true to you. It can be one of the hardest things to achieve in a lifetime…but as a woman you can do it!

When you take the time to get to know who you are and what makes you passionate great things can happen! When you get to know your personality, strengths, weaknesses and all the challenges that you face you will begin to realize you are your own best friend.

When you master authenticity in your life, it will pour through your your very being. You will be the center of your life and love every minute of it. You will seek only the best, think positively, support others to find their own potential and acknowledge that life is just plain awesome.

You can benefit from getting to know yourself better…just follow the 7  steps that many woman have used with success and get ready to embrace your truth and follow your passion.

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About the author 

Wendy Van de Poll

Wendy Van de Poll is sought after Animal Communicator Expert and Intuitive Life Path Coach dedicated to empowering women in discovering their Sacred Soul Promises and learning to trust their intuition. Using her intuitive coaching process, and with Sacred Soul Promises as a starting point, Wendy brings in the energy and messages of your animals (past and present) to empower and support you in knowing yourself on a deeper, more intimate level. She is the creator of The Sacred Soul Promise Method™ and The MarleyBee Foundation™. Wendy holds a Master’s of Science degree in Wolf Ecology and Behavior and has run with wild wolves in Minnesota, coyotes in Massachusetts and foxes in her backyard. In the recent past, Wendy was the past host of the syndicated radio show “Beyond Animal Speak’ as well as serving as a Massage Therapist for Humans, Horses and Hounds. Learn more about Wendy’s Intuitive Life Path Readings, Coaching and Animal Communication sessions at

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