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Write Your Reality! Scripting Your Extraordinary Success!

Write Your Reality! Scripting Your Extraordinary Success! by Laura West | #AspireMag

One of the most powerful mindset tools for creating extraordinary success is Success Scripting™.  

Scripting combines journaling with visualization, intentions, imagination, and the power of your emotions to create a compelling story of your extraordinary success. 

When you write your most successful reality, it’s like you have a magic wand creating your business and life. The best possible outcomes are unfolding as your soul’s desires direct the flow. 

Instead of writing about your hopes and wishes, you write as though it’s already happened. You are daydreaming with your pen! 

Your soul creates through your imagination and with scripting you give free reign to those possibilities! 

With scripting you are writing down possibilities as though they have already happened or are happening now. It’s not a wish list. You are creating the very script of extraordinary success you want to unfold in your business and your life.  

The key is in the exquisite details and the emotional feeling you include when you write a script from your soul. 

We live in a world of energy and vibration. As you embody your extraordinary success with your script you are giving a detailed order to the universe about what you would love to experience. 

The imaginative detail and emotional feeling are what has the universe pay attention and get busy arranging the most amazing opportunities to come your way.  

Success Scripting™ will help you create, manifest, and magnetize success to you. 

When I went through separating with the father of my two sons, I knew I wanted a spiritual-led divorce.  We were always going to be connected because of our sons. 

I scripted like crazy. I scripted the outcome of our divorce – where we still respected and supported each other.  I scripted seeing us going through it with love and patience, and I scripted the afterlife of us together as parents. I even scripted before each meeting we had to discuss a particular aspect of our separation. 

After our court appearance, he invited me to a fancy business club where we toasted with champagne to our best lives. That was way beyond my scripting and imagination! 

To this day, we are connected, and are good friends. Often, other parents comment about how well we get along. 

I attribute scripting to helping me stay connected with my intention of us having a healthy conscious divorce and co-parenting relationship. 

Scripting can be used for everything!  You can use it to paint the picture for the next year of your business, for big projects, your book, the new website, or a dream offer you are creating. 

It is particularly useful to create a script for difficult conversations and tough parts of projects as you imagine them going your way with ease and grace. 

You can use scripting for attracting 

*Your best clients ever 

*More money 

*The perfect support team 

*Opportunities to be speaking on stage, podcasts, radio and tv shows 

You can also script for different lengths of time: Celebrating the whole year, a month, week or even a day in your life. 

With scripting you let yourself surrender, go to possibility-land and open up to ideas from your higher self. You’ll get clarity and focus but it also opens you to whole new ideas and inspiration.  

When I led Success Scripting workshops, students often tear up when their secret dreams or even unconscious yearnings are revealed. As you open to the flow, things will unfold that are even more amazing than you might have imagined. 

As you tap into the soul stirrings of your script you’ll be in powerful vibrational alignment with the energy, emotion, and imagination.  

The universe will respond and usually in very creative ways. This is where the synchronicities, nudges and heart-expanding Big YES’s come in! 

You’ll get a nudge to take an action, call someone, reach out, lead a class, or take a class.  

You have to trust the energy and take the courageous bold action.  

Step One: Get into an expansive energy.  Read something inspirational. Move your body with dance, yoga, or walking. If you’re feeling constricted or anxious, then make a list of what you don’t want and ceremoniously rip up that piece of paper and release the grip of the Doubt Vortex.   

Step Two: Pick your focus.  

Are you going to script a time frame or an area of your business or life. Start writing at the end of the project or the time period when you are celebrating and enjoying your success.  

Step 3: Describe the Present Moment 

As you are celebrating your extraordinary success, write in detail where you are and what you’re doing. If it’s the end of the year on December 31st, then where are you celebrating? Go into lots of detail. 

For example, “I am sitting in my big beautiful favorite stuffed chair overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and loving the beautiful blue-green waves crashing on the shore. I take a sip of my special lemon-ginger tea in my favorite mug I brought back from Mexico this year.  I think back over the year in awe of all the amazing things that unfolded for me.” 

Step 4: Describe your Successes.  

Go into great detail about what you are celebrating. Yes, make it up! 

If you’re celebrating a brand-new website then write about how gorgeous and clear the website is. Make sure you include the feedback that you’re hearing from your clients and your community about your website. Mention how you no longer have website shame and how you are eagerly sharing your website on Linked in and Facebook. 

Step 5: Describe your Feelings 

Let’s say in your script, you published a book this year. Go into great detail about the moment you excitedly opened the box with your new book in it. How tears fell as you held it in your hands – at last! Write about how good it feels to add the word “author” to your bio. 

Step 6: Invite the Magic and Miracles to Come to Life 

Write about all the synchronicities and unexpected support that came to you in so many expected and unpredictable ways. Let yourself get crazy and imagine extraordinary alignment of events and to feel the power of being in total open to magic! 

Step 7: Take the Courageous Bold Action 

Once you’ve written your script, the universe will conspire with your dream and bring you opportunities and possibilities. It’s up to you to dig into your courage and take brave bold action! 

The Success Scripting™ process will guide you all along the way to create the next level of success in your business…and in your life!

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About the author 

Laura West

Laura West has helped 1000s of conscious business owners unlock their Soul Work, personal power, creativity, and leadership presence. She is a Business Success Coach, CEO, Center for Joyful Business, and host of Joyful Business TV. She loves creating and is the author and creator of The Joyful Business Plan, a right brain creative planning toolkit, and Success Scripting™. You can find more resources:

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