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Thriving With The Seasons – Summer

Summer, ThriveChanging our food choices, rituals and healthy routines as the seasons change is a great way to be in radiant health.

When we adjust our choices to align with the seasons we will experience the following:
~ More balance
~ More harmony with nature and with the environment
~ Less unhealthy cravings
~ More energy
~ More focus
~ More calm
~ Less allergies
~ Less colds
~ Vibrant well-being.

In the summer our energy is relaxing, outgoing and expansive. Think of trees and plants growing and long hot sunny days.

Here are 7 ways to experience a radiant summer:

Hydrate. While this is important all year, it is especially important during summer. Making sure you get plenty of water will help you stay cool, light and energetic.

More raw foods. Summer is the most abundant season for produce. Have lots of colorful salads, smoothies, juices and fresh fruits to stay light and cool.

High flame, short time. In the summer make quick stir fries, quick steamed veggies or grilled animal or vegetarian proteins, vegetables and fruit. Those cooking methods are cooling and light and work well with our digestion during summer.

Less salt, less oils. Don’t skip them just reduce them a little (and increase again when the weather gets cold) to feel lighter during the hot days.
Learn something new. Summer is a great time to take a class and grow your knowledge.

Relax. There is a reason why summer is traditionally vacation time, it is the season to luxuriantly relax. Take time off periodically to explore new places, create art, spend the day at the beach listening to the waves and get lost in an enjoyable summer read.

Be active when it’s cooler. To avoid getting overheated, get active early or late in the day or in an cool space. Swimming and water exercise is a great activity, it’s gentle on the joints and helps your body stay cool.

Those small adjustments will make a big difference in your digestion, level of energy, feelings of well being and enjoyment of this magnificent season.

Happy and healthy summer.

xoxo Rachel

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About the author 

Rachel Kieffer

Rachel Kieffer leads women health circles and helps women heal their relationship with food and their bodies. Join her Facebook group, Fall in Love with a Healthy Life to be part of a community of women who support each other to live their healthiest and happiest lives. Get her free 3-Day Seasonal Cleanse at

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  • Mihaela Lica Butler says:

    What a timely reminder of things that matter. I am doing exactly such a summer adjustment with my husband this month. We are changing a lot of unhealthy habits and we started with eating more fresh/ raw fruit and vegetables. Salt is a problem (we both love it) but we try to make up for the lack of salt with more herbs.

    • Rachel Kieffer says:

      Herbs are wonderful!!! Let me know if you and your husband would like to try my cleanse.

  • Lore Raymond says:

    Appreciating all the information you so succinctly share, Rachel. I especially like the reminder to think of meals that I can prepare with “high flame, short time.” I am looking forward to creating with my new spiralizer with ideas from the same cookbook.

    • Rachel Kieffer says:

      Looking forward to seeing your spiralizer creations.

    • Rachel Kieffer says:

      Sure thing Andrea ❤️

  • Kelley Grimes says:

    Love these ideas for a radiant summer especially eating more raw food! I am feeling inspired to make these adjustments for a magnificent season! Thank you Rachel!

    • Rachel Kieffer says:

      So glad you are inspired ❤️

  • Jenny Mannion says:

    Wonderful ideas to support a summer full of health and joy! Thank you! <3

    • Rachel Kieffer says:

      My pleasure Jenny ❤️

  • Natasha Botkin says:

    Thanks for the great ideas. I yend to intuitively flow into summer digestive needs. Uet, it is nice for a gentle reminder. Plus, time to enjoy Farmer’s Markets. Yeah!

    • Rachel Kieffer says:

      Farmers markets are my fave!

  • Barb Parcells says:

    Summer is salad time for me, all kinda both fruits and veggies!

    • Rachel Kieffer says:

      Yup! And with all the colorful veggies and fruit of the season, salads can look like a work of art.

  • Oh for Summer although the sun is shining through the door after 6 days of rain and winter here. I love summer 🙂

    • Rachel Kieffer says:

      For my down-under girls follow my winter tips 🙂

  • Crystal Cockerham says:

    Rachel, I love these tips-we often get so caught up in the DOing that we miss out on the BEing -and we regret it. So, the tip on giving ourselves permission to kick back and relax-live a little-great! Summer is my absolute favorite time of the year. Thank you for sharing.

  • Rachel, I love your perspective and tips here 🙂 Summer is fun indeed…and here we are all waiting for the monsoons to begin. Rain is fun too 🙂
    xoxo, Z~

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