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The Sugar Addiction Roller Coaster Ride!

The Sugar Addiction Roller Coaster Ride! by Paula Foster | #AspireMag

Oh, the dark side of sugar’s sweetness! At one point in my life, it had such a hold on me that I would think nothing of starting my day with Pepsi and chocolate ice cream for breakfast. Morning muffins, pastries and sugar-laden cereals were the norm. I LOVED to have chocolate chip pancakes drowning in maple syrup! I inherited my father’s legendary sugar addiction and for many years I thought it was “normal”.

Once I started working post-college, it was the norm to eat sugar throughout the day because it was always available on someone’s desk and it helped with those late afternoon energy slumps. At least I thought it did!! I managed to eat this way until it hid me hard in my mid 20’s and I finally decided to get the monkey off my back. I was 30 pounds overweight, which was my first significant weight gain and I had NO energy and just felt terrible.

It was not an easy realization or accomplishment. But, all I knew is that I wanted to FEEL BETTER. At that point, I didn’t fully realize the grip that sugar had on me – I thought it was more about my lack of exercise and sitting behind a desk all day. I knew I needed more vegetables in my diet, but the grip that sugar had on my life was a rough awakening to say the least.

As is my nature, I started reading anything I could get my hands on to change my diet for the better and have more energy. Low and behold, it led me to discover the true depth of my sugar addiction and how it was impacting my life physically, mentally and emotionally.

So I did my first sugar “detox” and discovered just how strong the grip was – those first few days were so rough that I almost cried. I WANTED sugar so badly I think I could have ripped someone’s head off! Thankfully I had the wisdom to take a few days off of work to begin the process or my co-workers probably would have shown me the door. But I learned so much, lost the weight, and felt so much better that I was hooked!

However, over the years I let it creep back in and with it came the weight gain and anger at myself for letting it happen.. I would also turn to sugar when my marriage was suffering and when I wasn’t getting the “sweetness” I needed from my husband. What a POWERFUL realization that was for me; that sugar could be replacing something that I needed on an emotional and physical level!

I didn’t fully understand this about myself until I became a health coach and discovered the concept of Primary Foods. This involves taking a close look at what is going on in four key areas of their life – Work/Career, Spirituality, Physical Activity & Relationships. When you are fulfilled in these four areas, what we call “Primary Foods”, actually food becomes secondary.

In my case, I was turning to sugar when what I really wanted was a hug, love, or meaningful communication with loved ones. Once that emotional piece kicked into place for me, the roller coaster ride almost came to an end. I say “almost” because I do still indulge, but I do it intentionally AND I know how to get back on track afterward with nutrition and lifestyle choices.

It is a relief to now be able to look away from the Christmas cookies and opt for a bit of quality dark chocolate instead, most of the time J  I naturally gravitate toward the quality option and I savor every bite. It’s not about deprivation; I simply don’t like how I feel after consuming white flour and refined sugar and I have loving relationships in my life that sustain me emotionally.

So, how can you become a former sugar addict? Here are a few tips that I hope you will find helpful to start you on the path:

Tip#1: Whenever possible, satisfy your desire for something sweet with a milder, less extreme food that doesn’t contain white sugar or flour. There are many healthy cookies or sweet treats made with whole grain flour and sweetened with fruit juice of barley malt, which is a sweet syrup made from barley.

Tip#2: Try incorporating sweet vegetables into your diet on a regular basis, which help to naturally reduce your cravings for sugary, processed foods. The following vegetables have a deep, sweet flavor when cooked: corn, carrots, onions, beets, sweet potatoes, yams and winter squash.

Tip#3: Experiment with natural sweeteners such brown rice syrup, barley malt and stevia. Explore your local health food store for a full selection. Consider not using one at all – I add cinnamon to my morning coffee and sometimes pure vanilla extract. Once you’ve eliminated the super-refined options, the “alternatives” taste much sweeter!!

Tip#4: Take some time to deconstruct that craving. Are you really craving sweetness from food or from someone or somewhere else? It’s entirely possible that a hug or supportive conversation from someone near and dear to your heart is what you are craving.  Perhaps you need a change of scenery or some therapeutic self care like a massage or yoga class. Sit quietly for a moment, breathe, and then ask yourself the question….you’ll get the answer.

Tip#5:  Lastly, when you simply must indulge that chocolate craving, go for quality and savor it. My personal favorite is the “Endangered Species” brand of 72% dark chocolate with cranberries and almonds. Just a few squares chewed slowly and thoroughly, and it is more than enough. Treat yourself well and, should you choose that brand, applaud yourself for preserving our endangered species in the process!

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About the author 

Paula Foster

Paula Foster is a holistic health and empowerment coach who helps professional women feel strong, sexy, and inspired by guiding them through positive, empowering changes to their health and happiness that last forever. Working with Paula, you will learn to love who you see AND how you feel when you look in the mirror! Her unique combination of health coaching and nutrition knowledge, merged with a highly intuitive, joyous, energetic and spiritual approach to living allows her to get to the heart of what really matters with her clients and guide them toward their most Beautifully Empowered life; a life that is ripe with juicy possibilities, joy & happiness, vibrant health, increased energy, vital self love & care, community, and positive change! Paula works with clients in person and via phone/skype and offers private coaching, workshops and group programs. Learn more about Paula and why love is her secret ingredient, and take your first step toward a Beautifully Empowered lifestyle! Learn more at

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