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The Magic of Manifesting: Finding Your Manifestation Style

The Magic of Manifesting: Finding Your Manifestation Style by Michelle Welch | #AspireMag

While there is much talk about manifestation, you may have become disillusioned with the concept over time because it seems to only work for certain people. You may even experience feelings of defeat because one thing is certainyou will manifest somethingit may just not be what you want. The key is to figure out your own manifestation styleJust like learning styles, there are manifesting styles. Choose what works best for you so that you aren’t tempted to give up on actively directing your life. In this way, you will find that life isn’t just happening to you; instead, you are intentionally and mindfully navigating your way through life. 

The primary learning styles are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and reading/writing. These are quite comparable to manifestation styles. However, most of us are taught to manifest in a visual way using a vision board. The very phrase vision board is evidence of the bias toward that type of learner. While vision boards are ideal for visual learners, they may not be suitable if you learn through seeing and observing because you take in information in different ways. Perhaps manifestation map better encapsulates the different styles. An auditory learner might want to record their manifestation map to speak their intentions into existence and then listen to them. A kinesthetic learner may want to dance or perform their manifestation map. A reading/writing learner may wish to research, journal, highlight, and make notes of their manifestation map 

Almost every teacher realizes there is another type of learner—the daydreamer. Unfortunately, most daydreamers are labeled early on as troublemakers. Many daydreamers are in their third eye space (your intuitive knowingness) and continually creating third eye manifestation maps. While this does involve visualization, a third eye manifestation map is created using your intuition and discernmentUltimately, everyone can utilize this type of manifestation map, but it does take practice for many. have never created a tangible vision board. I make vision boards in my third eye.  

Just as in school, no one style is better than the other for manifesting. Once you realize this and step into your strengths instead of fitting into the typical mold, you will feel better about manifesting. Then the only questions will become what reality do you want to manifest? What do you want to intend? Ultimately, how do you want to feel? 

Tips for Creating a Manifesting Map: 

  1. Decide what type of manifesting works best for you.  If you aren’t sure, you might want to learn to third eye manifesting because it is a quick and decisive way to transmute or change energy.   
  1. Decide how you want to feel. Think this through like a chess player—at least three moves ahead. 
  1. Operate with confidence—see your intention as already a reality—and carry yourself as though it has already occurredFor example, if you are focusing on a new job, the idea of dressing for success is a form of visualization and intention setting.  
  1. Realize the Law of Attraction (manifestation buzzwords), include the word action. This involves you putting forth the effort to create the feeling you want to bring into reality. As a trial lawyer and law school trial advocacy professor, I practiced and taught manifestation. I walked into court with clear intentions, making sure the judge or jury knew my intentions. I then manifested the result I wanted. I taught students to do the same. In some reality, you are a winner. Just choose for it to be this one! 
  1. Utilize manifestation in every area of your life. I manifest how many clients I want each day or how many people I want in class. I will set up that many chairs and wait until they are full because I know manifestation works. If someone isn’t working out in my stores, I manifest their desire to leave on good terms. Typically, they go within the week. 
  1. Be careful to use your manifestation for the highest good, so karma doesn’t bounce back on you 
  1. Utilize tools such as crystals, candles, and herbs to ramp up your intention, but realize that although they are enjoyable to work with, they are not necessary once you become proficient at manifesting. You manifest and move energy with your thoughts.  

When Will Manifestation Work? 

1. When you have clarity over specificity.             

Many people will tell you that you must be very specific, but I don’t believe that is the key. Instead, promote clarity of thought and feeling. Rather than focusing on what you want, focus on how you want to feel. This focus on feelings helps you become clear on what you want. Then add this or something better now manifests in my life. 

2. When you put the action in The Law of AttrACTION. 

Do the work instead of waiting to have it handed to you. Prepare as though you already have succeeded. You rarely will win anything from a lawsuit to a game of pickup basketball without preparation and action. Suit up and show up! 

3. When you dream big but drill small. 

Think of your end game. Remember, this is how you want to feel. It is excellent to aim high but start practicing your manifesting drills daily, manifest something on a smaller scale to build your confidence. Then aim for the stars. Remember to plan for what happens once you get what you want.   

4. When you look for signs.      

When you look for signs of your manifestation materializing, you show trust that the Universe has your back, and it also keeps you encouraged and motivated. Signs are different to different people, but you can even intend them. Perhaps it is a certain number you see every day or a specific bird. The point is to notice the evidence of intention becoming a reality. 

5. When you give gratitude.    

Once you notice the signs, you will begin to realizyour manifesting is working. Find at least one thing to be grateful for before going to sleep each night, and give gratitude for that same thing before your feet hit the floor the next morning. You are on your way to transmuting the energy in the world around you and molding it into the reality you want.  

Ultimately, manifestation helps you mind your own energy. If we all manifest that we want to feel love, think of the change we would see in ourselves and this hurting world. Just by managing our energy and not worrying about anyone else’s energy, we change the world. That is magical manifestation. 

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About the author 

Michelle Welch

As a "reformed attorney," Michelle Welch is the co-owner of two SoulTopia Holistic Boutiques in Dallas, TX, and co-host of  SoulWhat Podcast. As a psychic medium, medical intuitive, and energy worker, Michelle specializes in helping people gain clarity, discover their soul's purpose, overcome trauma, and claim self-empowerment. Michelle's first book, The Magic of Connection: Stop Cutting Cords and Transform Negative Energy to Live an Empowered Life, has just been published. Learn more at 

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