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The Heart Connection to Health and Happiness


The Heart Connection to Health and Happiness by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers | #AspireMag

The average human heart beats 72 beats per minute. In doing so, it transports our blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients through miles of arteries and veins. Western Medicine is acutely aware of this physical pump and its role in sustaining life. But is there a connection with our physical heart and Breast Cancer?

Understanding the functioning of the heart goes beyond the physical heart muscle. The heart is also a source of powerful electromagnetic fields that influence the body and the brain. In fact, some researchers and scientists are finding that the heart actually rules the brain, versus the brain ruling the heart.

Founded in 1991, the Heart Math Institute has earned global recognition for their research and technology that brings coherence and renewed energy to the physical body and the emotional body. It is a common fact that 90% of all illness is due to stress. Stress creates a cascade of physiological responses that affect our hormones and our Immune System. In other words, if you have a stressed mind and heart, you will have a stressed body. A stressed body is more vulnerable to toxic overload, DNA damage and replication of unhealthy cells, i.e. Cancer.

Decades of research conducted by the Heart Math Institute indicates that the HEART is the center of all decision-making abilities, perceptions, as well as our mental and emotional attitudes. Unknown to many, the heart emits electromagnetic frequencies that are much stronger than brain wave frequencies. These frequencies can be measured several feet outside the body. The heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. It is through this heart energy, that the heart influences the brain.

Your heart has many functions:

  • Scientists in the new field of “Neuro-cardiology” have discovered that the heart has over 40,000 neurons and have said that the heart is a mini brain.
  • The heart can independently sense and process information apart from the brain.
  • The heart can learn and remember. (Recipients of heart transplants often take on the memories and personalities of the heart donor)
  • The heart is also a hormone gland that secretes hormones such as Oxytocin – the “bonding and love hormone”.
  • The heart is a key component of the emotional system. If you have an
    unhappy heart” and are in a chronic state of anger, stress and unhappiness, your Immune System will be compromised, making you more vulnerable to cancer.

As I was on my healing journey, I recognized that a huge piece of the puzzle in truly healing my body was the emotional component. For years, I swallowed my emotions and neglected to get to the core issues that had plagued my life for decades. I suffered from the Super Mom Syndrome – I could run a successful practice, nurture and love my children, cook nutritious meals, tolerate an unhappy marriage and then try to find time for myself.

But as I was busy “stuffing” my emotional wounds, my Immune System was being compromised as I released a chronic stream of stress hormones.  As Dr. Lisa Rankin has so aptly pointed out: “If you don’t grow, you grow a tumor.”

Make the time to examine and heal your emotional wounds.  (Essentials #4) In doing so, your literal and figurative heart will spread joy, light and love.

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About the author 

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit

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