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Take Time for Yourself: Get Off to a Peaceful Start!

“Take time for yourself”
may seem like an old adage but has never been more true for today’s woman as we often juggle a busy schedule that includes a full-time career and intensely structured family life — all moving a mile a minute.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve asked the question,  “Where do I fit into this picture?” , more than once since embarking on this family album journey.  My position in my family has always been to be the crystal in the well-tuned, efficiently running clock.  While it may take some ingenuity to create the space in your day, taking time to nourish your spirit is the single most important thing you can do for the well-being of your family. There is no job that fits the term “over worked and under-paid” more than the job of being a parent. Our parental commitment is boundless and we carry our responsibility 24/7. And, on top of that, we must be devoted and dutiful partners as well—smiling with enthusiasm ready for any activity.  That said, there is no position in your home that holds higher value.  Therefore, the burden to stop ‘burn-out’ (like most other things in your household) falls on you. It is up to you to make the choice to ensure that creating the space to nourish and take care of ‘you’ becomes a valued part of your day.

First and foremost, as I suggest in Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Women:  Get off to a peaceful start!  This is something no matter what ages your kids are, you can create time and space in the later evening or early mornings that will carry you throughout your day and nourish your spirit.  This is critical for you to access your inner sense of peace in the midst of chaos.  A practice for me includes waking up at least one hour prior to my family.  I have my coffee or tea and I sit quietly sipping and taking in the stillness of the morning as the sun rises.  Then, I always do 10 minutes of stretching and inspirational reading.   Sometimes, I turn on soft music as part of my meditation.  I also spend some time thinking about the things I am grateful for.  Then, I pull my notepad out or my laptop and make mental notes for the day; I often journal at this time too.  Mostly, I spend time noticing the peaceful place that exists within me.  I BREATHE in sunlight and breathe out tension.  I find my peaceful center inside as I close my eyes and hold it like a lotus blossom right at my solar plexus.   This is a place I visit often throughout my day by simply remembering my peaceful start with another deep breath:  Sunlight in, tension out. Nourish, nourish, nourish.

No matter what other times you can carve out for yourself amidst your busy life, you can always start out peacefully with your own early morning ritual or end your day that way.  Then, no matter what chaos ensues throughout your day at work or with your family, you can find that peaceful sanctuary that resides inside that you’ve already established with practice.  Accessing this place allows you to be far more responsive versus reactive to life as you return there with your BREATH.

Remember that loving yourself and nourishing your spirit is loving the family you care for, and being the best you can be is easier when you start your day lit from within by peace.

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About the author 

Kristine Carlson

Kristine Carlson is a beloved teacher and bestselling author of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series, which she co-created with her late husband, Dr. Richard Carlson. Kristine’s mission builds upon Richard's legacy, proclaiming a message of joy-filled living through speaking, leading retreats, and writing books—her newest being From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero’s Journey to Joy. Kristine lives in California and is mom to two daughters and nana to four grandkids. Learn more at

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