Becoming an entrepreneur requires a whole new mindset. We need to unlearn so many things that we’ve been taught. And unlearning can take work, because it requires that we get awareness of the habits, beliefs and behaviors that have been driving our lives, on auto-pilot, for years. Unlearning requires that we confront an uncomfortable reality, so we can allow ourselves to grow and move closer to our goals as heart-centered entrepreneurs. Here are some of the things that you’ll need to unlearn if you want to become an entrepreneur and live your purpose.

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While running a business and maintaining life at home, we can get caught in the cycle of action. But if we just take a step back, we can infuse those actions with a bit more power.

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When you are taking big leaps in expanding your business you will begin to bump up against other people’s money stuff. You see when you are breaking free of fear and scarcity around money and taking bold actions to grow your business you are really bucking the cultural norm around money right now—which is money victimhood. Meaning many, many people feel disempowered in their life around creating abundance and feel like outside forces are determining this for them. Your bold actions can actually be a trigger for them.

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by  Lisa Wells   

All small business owners will experience a crisis at some point, but what about a long-term crisis such as an illness that may affect you, a spouse, a parent, or a child that lasts a few months or longer? Are you and your business prepared?

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Since stepping into my brilliance as a Magical Life & Business Mentor and Transformation Catalyst my business has grown exponentially… I’m proud to say that I have a thriving global brand. One of my favorite magical laws is that once you send a clear intention out to the Universe, the Universe will help you to manifest it. This is the same concept with your peeps (community and paying clients)… once you allow your authentic self to shine out from within you, the Universe connects you with the perfect people who need you… and then the abundance starts to flow in.

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