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Spoonfuls of Spirituality

Spoonfuls of Spirituality by Saskia Roell | #AspireMag

On April 24th I opened the first page of Shirley MacLaine’s book Dancing in the Light. From then on Shirley becomes my spiritual teacher. I follow her lead by tracing her tracks. As determined as I was, I placed my first footstep on the trail of my spiritual quest.

Shirley writes, “On the morning of April 24th…” and continues, “I couldn’t accept the synchronicity of my personal event as merely accidental. As I had told everybody I knew, I no longer believed there was such a thing as an accident. Everything that happened was a result of some form of cause and effect and therefore had an underlying reason.

The sun sets when I start reading and the sun rises when I look up and turn the last page. My world has changed overnight. It feels as if I am struck by lightning. So is my heart. My Soul’s light is turned ON, my torch is lit and there is a new chapter of my life: The Inner Journey begins.

The book hadn’t landed in my lap merely by accident. Oh, how I was ready to dance in the light! I vibrate now at another frequency. How come I never knew all this? I dance and swirl around my small room. I want to tell the world we are eternal beings, we are made and molded out of love and we never die. It all makes sense. Of course, there is karma and life after death. The law of cause and effect says there are no accidents. We design our own destiny and I can’t wait to start right away.

Suddenly, I am given the insight we are the creators of our own life. We can make any dream come true. I understand we attract every experience into our reality. I keep shaking my head in disbelief of how asleep I was. Shirley‘s words were very clear and I resonated with every word she wrote.

Synchronicity is at my side and OF COURSE the timing of this book was divine. Everything falls in place. Instantly my world becomes round instead of flat. The Dutch land birthed me and housed my Soul. Now it was time to journey and explore the inner world so I may come full circle. Perhaps it was symbolic. I left the flat land soon after I finished the book. The direction I was to follow was lit up, bright and shiny. I couldn’t miss the light.

Despite my lack of sleep, I am wide awake when I bike a few hours later to the Salad Garden, my favorite restaurant. I meet Jacqueline for a Dutch café au lait, served in big white soup bowls. My cheeks are flushed as I enter the restaurant.

My ‘holy bible’ is tucked under my arm. I can’t lose sight of Shirley right now. My birth mother needs to be at my side. I walk to the table and show Jacqueline the book.

I want to share it all. I start to lecture her about how logical it is that reincarnation is our Soul’s way to learn and evolve. It makes sense we are reborn many times. We are slow learners. I can’t stop talking and I hardly take the time to taste the fresh baked pie. Jacqueline listens but can’t catch up. My speech goes faster than I can explain.

For the first time I feel my life is validated and my life purpose is clear. I want to include my best friend in all these life-changing insights. Jacqueline is lost in my new trail—she wonders where I am going with this.

I leave the Salad Garden and feel vibrant and full of life. My look at life has changed. I race home to read some parts of the book again. I wish I could visit America and trace Shirley’s steps. I want to visit the gurus she met and I long to learn everything about spirituality. My fire is ignited and there is nothing that can hold me back. I am more than curious. And now that my torch is lit, I want to find my answers to what was worth seeing and where I am to go. The Universe takes me by the hand.

My boyfriend Josh calls me a few days later and asks if I want to go out for dinner. “We need to talk about something,” is all he says. I frown. Josh is never serious and not especially much of a talker. What is this going to be about? The subject of marriage doesn’t cross my mind; how little did I know of what was coming.

A move to America…

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About the author 

Saskia Roell

As a Soul Purpose Success Coach, Fertility Coach, bestselling author, co- author with Jack Canfield, Stephan Covey and Deepak Chopra, energy healer, speaker, and mother of five, Saskia successfully helps people to birth their biggest dreams and brings their Soul purpose alive.
In 2001 Saskia came to America with her family of seven. Without jobs or contacts, hardly any money, and five kids who didn’t speak a word of English, she and her family succeeded by trusting the guidance of her Soul.
People seek Saskia because they feel stuck, or at a crossroads. They are ready to bloom, but don’t know how. Saskia is the connection to your Soul.

Learn more about Saskia’s work and claim her free gift “Monday Morning Soul Card Readings” at

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