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The Sacral Chakra: To Know Thyself

Sacral ChakraThe second of the main chakras is called The sacral chakra  or SVADHISTHANA in Sanskrit.  SVA means ‘self’ and ADHISTHNA means ‘dwelling place, or residence’.   You can interpret this to mean “The Home of Self”.

It is located about two inches below your navel.  The Sacral Chakra is developed around 6 months and 2 1/2 years old.

The color of this chakra is orange.  Think of the most beautiful sunrise, the golden and orange hues…and remember the emotions that it evoked.

This chakra is all about our emotions, creativity and sensuality.

The sacral chakra governs our emotions and particularly our relationships to the outside world, apart from our family or our own tribe.  How do we relate to others outside of our family unit?

To have a balanced sacral chakra it is imperative that we look at our original tribe or family first.  If we didn’t feel safe or feel supported in our original family unit then we need to look at healing around that before we can have healthy and balanced relationships outside that unit.    

Characteristics of Someone With an Imbalanced Sacral Chakra:

This chakra links emotional reaction with emotional attachment.  This person will repeatedly be in unhealthy relationships that can manifest in abusive behavior towards others or allowing abusive behavior towards themselves.  The pendulum swings both ways within our chakra’s and therefore we can have excess and deficiency in any of them.

Deficiency in this Chakra would look like rigidity of beliefs, self-denial, fear of change, lack of social skills, lack of creativity and desire.  Sexuality to this person would most likely be taboo and there would be fear or rigid beliefs surrounding sexual pleasure and basically pleasure from life as a whole.  This person could be the Martyr to either gain pity or use suffering to establish control.  We really have to look at our beliefs and if they are serving us or depleting us.

Excess in this Chakra would look like addictive behaviors to drugs, sex, fetishes, shopping and alcohol.  It could also look like irresponsibility, manipulation, codependency, invasiveness toward others (aggressive).  Obsessive attachments would accompany an excess in this chakra.  Think of entitlement…”I deserve this so I will take it” is the mantra from someone who is excessive in the sacral chakra.   Because they didn’t receive a healthy root or family experience they will try to create it by force or manipulation.

Characteristics of Someone With a Balanced Sacral Chakra:

This person, because they have a healthy root system would have healthy friendships and partners and be able to set healthy boundaries with others.  This person would not be afraid to express their sensuality, compassion and vitality.  This person would enjoy being friendly with others and be able to bring their desires to fruition.

With my experience in this area I would say the #1 thing to look for if you are wondering if you have an imbalance in your sacral chakra is this….Do you know what you desire in life without feeling guilt or shame for wanting it?  When you ask for what you desire is it apart from any form of manipulation or deception?   Are you able to truly receive what you have been given with gratitude or do you find yourself self-sabotaging your efforts?

The Sacral Chakra is associated with the testes for men and ovaries for women.  The pelvis, upper intestines and parts of the digestive organs.  Lower back pain, arthritis, genital and sexual issues can manifest when there is an imbalance in this chakra. 

Awareness of our energy centers or chakras are important for our overall physical, emotional and spiritual health.  Each chakra builds upon the previous one so if there are imbalances in one it is advised to look back to the chakra that precedes it. 

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About the author 

Erin Esser

Erin Esser is a master coach, facilitator, speaker, podcast host and published author. Erin is the creator of the transformational, 9 month program entitled Awaken Your Purpose where she takes women on a journey of self discovery and self mastery. Erin has the ability to take women who feel lost and feel as if they are living someone else's life to a place where they start to embrace their own truth, their worth and start living a life of purpose. Erin is also a co-host on the podcast "Your Sacred Witness", where she spotlights stories of women who have used their own struggle as the catalyst in finding their purpose in their life, and giving women hope that they aren't alone. Erin lives in Charlotte, NC with her amazing 3 kiddos. You can reach Erin at

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