How often do you do this? Last night I went to an event in Minneapolis. It was a beautiful event! It was ...

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How often do you do this? Last night I went to an event in Minneapolis. It was a beautiful event! It was ...
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that actually has many meanings. So what is Sanskrit? Sanskrit is an ancient language of beauty, complexity ...
The second of the main chakras is called The sacral chakra or SVADHISTHANA in Sanskrit. SVA means ‘self’ and ADHISTHNA means ‘dwelling ...
Your 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra or in Sanskrit the name is Manipura (Mani means ‘jewel’ and pura means ‘dwelling place’). Your ...
Some days just feel like a ping pong match inside of my head. Can you relate? That voice of judgement and criticism ...
Do you have a favorite quote that you have lived by most or part of your life? That one quote that just defines ...
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