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Peace in Passing: Navigating the Loss of a Pet

Peace in Passing: Navigating the Loss of a Pet by Maribeth Decker | #AspireMag

When it comes to putting a beloved pet down, my heart breaks. Every time. I witness people struggling to decide what’s best. Their thoughts are uncertain. Am I euthanizing too soon? Is my pet in too much pain or is it tolerable? Is she scared? Their grief consumes them like a tidal wave. 

Supporting families as they help their pets leave this realm is a sacred duty. I’ve come to understand the peace and calm that can come with loving departures. Assisting pets to transition to the afterlife is a great blessing. 

But just because something is a blessing, doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s always hard—more so when it’s one of my family members passing on. 

My son Patrick’s pit bull Peanut had been diagnosed with kidney disease as a pup, but she didn’t allow it to affect her life. She was active and rowdy, living life full-on. The force was strong in Peanut! Our whole family adored her. 

Then in 2017, Peanut’s health took a sudden turn. Patrick worried because she wasn’t eating, lost weight, and had become dehydrated. I scanned her body using my intuitive abilities, searching for clues as to whether or not there was a strong life force, which would indicate that, no matter the prognosis, Peanut had fight left in her. Sadly, Peanut’s life force was weak, and the image of a ghost town came into my mind. It was time to say goodbye. 

Pat scheduled a traveling vet to euthanize Peanut at home because he wanted her to be in a familiar place surrounded by her loved ones as she passed away. That morning, before the vet arrived, Pat and his family took Peanut for one last outing to one of her favorite hangouts, Belle View Marina. My husband Charlie, our two dogs, and I met them there. 

Peanut was too weak to scamper around like she used to. Pat placed her in a kiddy wagon and tucked a warm blanket over her body to shield her from the chilly rain that fell. The weather matched our mood. We tromped along her favorite nature path, and I swore I noticed Peanut smiling. Despite her discomfort, she was happy. 

Before long, it was time to return to Pat’s home in advance of the vet’s arrival. I spent time with Peanut and explained why she felt so lousy. I told her what to expect once she received the injection: leaving her body would be as easy as stepping out of a car. She understood. 

Pat placed Peanut on the couch, one of her favorite spots. She twitched and scooted, trying without success to get comfortable. I performed energy healing for her, and within fifteen minutes, she was resting peacefully. 

The vet arrived and prepared the injection. I sat near Peanut and called into my mind a vision of my two dogs Eddy and Mitsubishi, both of whom had passed away. I asked them to welcome Peanut into the afterlife. They were eager to help! 

Peanut lay quietly on the couch with Pat on one side of her. The vet administered the drugs. Time passed. I felt like I was holding my breath. 

I looked at Pat and met his gaze. “Did you feel that?” 

He nodded. We had felt Peanut’s soul release as her body faded to stillness. Through our grief, a sense of peace settled on us. The Peanut we cherished had left us. 

Thankfully, she wasn’t completely gone. I’m able to tap into her energy and know that she’s happy and pain-free in the afterlife. She checks in regularly on Pat and his family—and, because of my abilities, I get to check in with her whenever I like. 

Of all the work I do in the realm of animal communication, helping pets to pass from this life to the next peacefully is one area where I get as much as I give. Sure, it’s heart-rending work, but the release and peace that comes with lovingly supporting both a pet and her family are unlike anything else.  

If you have or know of someone who has an elderly or ill pet, who may be considering euthanasia, please reach out or connect us. I can ease your burden and give comfort in a unique way. 

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About the author 

Maribeth Decker

Maribeth Decker, founder of (where people and pets heal & connect), is an intuitive animal communicator who helps people have a 2-way conversation with their pets. People often see improvements in their animals’ behavior and their relationship after working with Maribeth. She helps pets transition peacefully at the end of their lives. Read more in her Amazon bestseller, Peace in Passing. Maribeth is a retired Navy officer who lives with her husband, 2 dogs and 3 cats. Her 2 kids are grown. She has 2 master’s degrees and is currently a Teacher-Trainer in Joan Ranquet’s Communicating with All Life University. Download 5 Things Your Pets Want You to Know, you will get Maribeth’s bonus video to help you begin communicating intuitively with your pets.

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