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Nature as Teacher and Healer

Nature as Teacher and Healer by Taura Barr | #AspireMag

If you are healed, it does not always imply you are cured; nor does a cure always come with healing.

To find healing you have to look within.

Our bodies are amazing systems that have been fine tuned to survive in even the harshest conditions. We are truly “fearfully and wonderfully made” – Psalm 139. In each of us is an amazing power to heal from within; once you discover this power your life will never be the same. So many people doubt the power of prayer, but time and again prayer and a strong sense of faith have helped many people overcome tragedy, loss, and sickness in ways that modern medicine could never imagine.

I have cared for many people during my nursing career, and inevitably the patients who do well are those people who have a strong sense of faith and hope. The first step to healing is believing that you can be healed. Once you get over this hurdle, you can then begin to practice the daily art of prayer to activate your inner healing processes and begin to transform your soul. This process is necessary to ultimately achieve healing of the mind and body. Over the course of my personal illness recovery, I have found that this inner work takes a significant amount of time and energy. It also requires a lot of patience. I would often get discouraged or frustrated because my path forward was so very unclear to me; but I continued to seek His guidance and eventually I was able to hear the messages.

I have always loved being outside and can become completely mesmerized by flowers. I guess you can say flowers are my hobby; I love planting them, displaying them in vases, drying them and making arrangements out of them. The deeper I got into my spiritual studies, the more I began to “listen” to what the flowers were trying to tell me and I have found that much of what we seek can be answered by studying nature. The earliest philosopher’s and priests knew this very well. The next time you are outside take a moment to study a flower. Really look at it and think about how it survives. It relies solely on the soil and sun for nutrients, and rain for nourishment. A flower will not flourish in poor soil, limited sunlight or rain. If you want to discover your path to healing you have to create a strong foundation from which you can heal. Surround yourself with love, positivity and other things that “fuel” your soul. Just like that flower you are studying, you have the potential to be beautiful, but in the wrong place you may not do so well.

The Eight Dimensions of Wellness Model defines holistic well-being as emotional, financial, social, spiritual, occupational, physical, intellectual, and environmental wellness. So many of us have become dis-connected from our spiritual selves because of a multitude of reasons, but this is not normal! Spirituality is the essence of our being. It shapes, and is shaped by our life journey. Spirituality is not the same thing as religion. We may practice a form of religion and engage in social activities related to these choices, but we often spend very little time understanding our spiritual beings and how the health of our spirit can affect all aspects of wellness.  To facilitate the healing process spiritual wellness is the foundation by which we heal our emotions then ultimately our physical bodies.

Our spiritual potential does not develop without attention, so I urge you to take a few moments to reflect on the following questions:

  • How well is my relationship with my physical, emotional and spiritual being?
  • How do I nurture my spirit?
  • Which areas of my spiritual being need intentional care, perhaps because of pain or stress, or because they are areas I want to focus and grow?
  • Think about a recent event or incident. How has this experience changed you? How has it become part of who you are? What meaning does it have for your life right now?

For a deeper dive into your spiritual health, stop by  and contact me.

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About the author 

Taura Barr

Dr. Taura L. Barr PHD RN FAHA is an alum of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholars program, a holistic health advocate and internationally recognized expert in the genomics of stroke. She is the founder of CereDx and Deep Roots Healing and currently serves as the Vice chair of the American Heart Association’s Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing. Her work has been published in numerous scientific and community based publications. She was recently featured in a West Virginia Public Broadcasting series and the AHA’s patient support network blog. Dr. Barr is passionate about incorporating intentional wellness in the care and recovery of stroke patients to create a new model for recovery: patient centered integrative holistic healthcare, guided by patient specific needs on a continuum. Stop by today and sign up to receive your free gift!

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