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Living the Big Stuff: An Essential “Lifeline” Mantra

The power of mantra (The repetition of “instrument of thought”, speech, sacred text, a prayer or song of praise.) in combination with meditation is one way I move through difficult life transitions. I’m sure you’ve heard, read and listened to all kinds of resources regarding meditation, but what good is it if you can’t apply your meditative practice when resistance crosses your path during the day? That’s why a mantra is essential – it is like a lifeline you can quickly grab before your subconscious plunges into the sea of resistance. Repeating “The Mantra” during times of resistance to change penetrates the unconscious and calls spirit into action and grace to heal.

In grief for instance, there are times you resist embracing the process of healing. In these moments of resistance, rather than postpone healing by busying yourself, give yourself some time in silence. Sit or lie down and repeat this mantra, allowing this lifeline to bring you to the path of love and to healing.

Don’t know where to begin? Below is the five-step mantra that has always worked for me for embracing change and transition in order to receive grace through surrender:

The S.T.A.R.R. mantra: “I surrender, trust, accept, release and receive.”  S.T.A.R.R. provided me a mental prayer to follow through life, love and loss.  It is the mantra to live, love and let go. It is the mantra that will help you return to a life of peace and equanimity in almost any situation (including traffic.)  I say, that with a smile because this is a mantra with bandwidth.


The first thing “to do” amidst adversity is to embrace it rather than fight it.  Once you’ve asked yourself this important question, “Can I change this situation or event?” and the answer is “No”, then, surrender is the first step to moving forward.  Allow yourself to open up to the unknown.


The events of your life have showed up, through spirit, to be a part of your transformation. As you surrender and open, ask to be guided and led by the divine to the answers knowing that every circumstance of your life is here to teach you and develop your soul life 101 curriculum. Trust your body and your heart to communicate what you need. Feel to heal. You are fully equipped to handle all things that come your way.


There will be a time after you practice ‘Surrender and Trust’ that you will inch your way to acceptance. This is the turning point on your path where you will begin your transition back to living real time.


As you accept your loss, you can release old patterns and ideas that no longer serve you. You can release grief, guilt, regret and pain and “Let go and Let God” replacing fear and anxiety with peace.


As you practice this S.T.A.R.R. mantra, through repetition, the power of mantra penetrates your subconscious and allows you to move into and through your wound. This mantra will assist you into re-entering a new life in full acceptance and integration of your loss. You will, in the right time, receive a new life and return to your natural state of joy.

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About the author 

Kristine Carlson

Kristine Carlson is a beloved teacher and bestselling author of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series, which she co-created with her late husband, Dr. Richard Carlson. Kristine’s mission builds upon Richard's legacy, proclaiming a message of joy-filled living through speaking, leading retreats, and writing books—her newest being From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero’s Journey to Joy. Kristine lives in California and is mom to two daughters and nana to four grandkids. Learn more at

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