Remember the time when you were in full premenstrual swing and you called your girlfriend to meet at your favorite restaurant for a salad? No, you don’t, because that never happened. I bet you do remember sitting on the couch watching a rom-com from the ’80s and eating an entire bag of chips, followed by half a jar of peanut butter while wondering how Julia Roberts stayed so damn skinny. In fact, I’d like you to think back to all the times you felt miserable, sad, angry, or depressed. What kind of food did you crave? My guess is that it wasn’t a salad or a green juice.
The vibrational law of attraction applies to everything in life, and eating is no exception. I call it “food karma.” The law of karma is “like attracts like.” The law of attraction is that what you put out (thoughts, words, actions) will come right back to you. Ponder that for a moment. Simply put, when you feel bad, you are going to crave foods that, after eating them, will make you feel even worse. Americans create a lot of confusion by calling certain foods “comfort foods.” They are supposed to ease our uncomfortable emotional state. I’d like to find someone who feels comfortable after eating fried chicken and mashed potatoes. “I just got fired, but this fried chicken is so good. Now I know that next great job is right around the corner.” I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to go for a five-mile run right after eating some chicken pot pie. What we think is comforting is just numbing, and afterward, we feel just as uncomfortable as we did before we ate the pot pie, except what was once just emotional discomfort has now turned into physical discomfort (and probable weight gain, which is translated into long-term emotional and physical discomfort) as well. When I have one problem, I like to solve that one problem instead of doing/eating something that creates another problem. What about you? If you had a choice between having one problem or two, what would you choose?
Every thought we think emits a vibration. There is no neutral here; every thought you have could be classified as putting out either a positive, uplifting, loving energy or a negative, Debbie Downer, fear-based energy. We could rate each emotion on a scale, with love, gratitude, and empowerment being at the top and fear, grief, hopelessness, and stress being at the very bottom. If you want to be a vibrational match to healthy foods that make you feel and look fantastic, you need to work your way up the emotional scale by shifting your story.
The foods we crave are entirely dependent on our emotional state, which you now know is completely reliant on our thought process. No matter how logical a diet seems, it ultimately fails to heal our food issues at the root. According to the law of attraction, changing our behavior with food could never work in the long term because it’s our negative emotions that block us from maintaining the vibrational match to healthy, high-vibration foods. When you feel bad, you are not a vibrational match for healthy foods that make you feel good. If you feel bad and by some miracle you are eating well despite yourself, then be careful, because you are using pure willpower, and that, my friend, is quite a limited resource!
Excerpted from the book Feed Your Soul. Copyright ©2019 by Carly Pollack. Printed with permission from New World Library —