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ImagineImagine looking and feeling fabulous.

This is what I dream about for you.  It is an expression I have embraced because it says it all.

It wasn’t until February 2008, when I began the fight for my life, to beat Stage IV Cancer without traditional protocols, that I discovered the foundation and secret to my health. Once I understood that alkalinity and oxygen are key to a strong immune system, everything fell into place. My cells were on board. I was not depriving myself but rather embracing abundance and the seasonal harvest. In 2010, I was clean of all disease.

The addition of a high alkaline lifestyle into my world created a wakeup call, literally. It was as if I was waking up from a deep sleep. I was ecstatic with energy and joy. Once I began making better choices I even lost 28 pounds and 4-5 sizes…without ever thinking about dieting. I began catching myself singing. Without realizing it, I was singing to my sprouts, my garden and the world. The liveliness and elation are difficult to explain for it either sounds exaggerated or overstated.

The irony is that I had been told by my medical team that if I did not submit to traditional treatment, I would not see my grandchildren grow up. WOW! They certainly did not know the power of this Jewish grandmother from New York City.

It is key to understand that these lifestyle changes are part of a never-ending journey rather than a quick fix.

Today I am about 80% alkaline and raw. I enjoy alkaline water and green juice every day. Green juice is my favorite food, for real.

To stay consistent in the pursuit of my health, I held an image of Jake my grandson, then 10, in my heart. I saw him walking across the stage at his high school graduation and hugging me. This vision was with me always and enveloped me with belief and courage that I could make it happen. It was a symbol representing all that is important to me, all that matters and all that I love. It became my North Star.

Today, as I sit writing this, we prepare for Jake’s graduation and I will collect my hug.

Why would I choose this? Because I believe that there is something within you that is so important that calls you to create your personal vision to help guide and light the way.

By embracing a healthy lifestyle that will provide more energy, focus and abundance, you will have the resources to support good choices. For you to create your best body, your best work and your best life, your cells need to be on board. Your visions will be seen in technicolor.

Imagine how it will be when you make it happen. I can feel it now. I can feel the ripple of your gifts that impact the world. I know how much your dreams matter, not only to you but to us all for the greater good. I know you can do it and I believe in you and the magic of your dreams.

One thing on my heart now is to have the honor of giving a Ted Talk by next year. I can see it, and imagine myself on a big stage impacting hundreds and maybe thousands to create a better life to bring their best work to the world. This is scary but I hold the vision of being on stage, wearing an amazing blue dress that hits just below my knees along with fabulous bone pumps.

Funny how I am feeling jittery right now for I know I can make it happen. I see my husband, children and grandchildren in the audience and I smile inside, for I know that I will collect more hugs and that they are always my North Star.

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About the author 

Elaine Gibson

Cited as One of the Top 10 Most Inspirational Natural Cancer Survivors by Extreme Health Radio (#4), Elaine Gibson is proof that lifestyle matters. Having beaten Stage IV Cancer without traditional protocols, she has gone on to share her secrets for recovery, rejuvenation and reinvention with thousands of men and women all around the world. Learn more at

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