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How Practicing the Ancient Art of Spiritual Water Practices Can Heal Your Life

 How Practicing the Ancient Art of Spiritual Water Practices Can Heal Your Life by Catherine Robinette | #AspireMag

Powerful magic is often found in places that are mysterious and sacred. The oldest medicine on mother earth is this life-giving elixir called water. Water is an entity that is profoundly complex. Which holds more than what our governments would have you to believe. Capable of healing and restoration of the human mind, body and soul. One can benefit both physiologically and psychologically.  

The spiritual significance of tending to water has been traced back to ancient times. Often it was a woman who would lovingly perform the task of physically tending to these sacred waters. This was due to women being a natural vessel of water themselves. Capable of conceiving the miraculous gift of life by nourishing a child during nine months of pregnancy. In many Indigenous communities’ women were and still are responsible for protecting and advocating for water.    

Water healing shines dot the landscapes of the natural world. They offer a sacred space for those who seek something more than what our modern society can provide. Wells, springs, rivers, lakes, swamps and the sea would offer divine spiritual connection to those who cared for them. Physical and vibrational healing can occur through four of our five senses- touch, taste, sight, and sound.  

 As our ancient ancestors were aware, the vibrations that you receive from tending to these sacred water spaces will manifest into your external and internal reality. When you are offering your loving energy through water magic or healing practices the vibrational modifications that water receives and picks up are essentially encoded and stored in its cellular structure.  

That water can then reflect those changes by sending signals to the water in your body- essentially that healing you offered to the water – you received that back into your physical and vibrational bodies. Like a positive energy bouncing mirror effect. Any positive transformation within the water heals our lives as well. This capability is due to water being so much more alive than most are aware of. It has encoded all the events that it has ever experienced. She is an interconnected web that remembers everything.  

 It can communicate with other water molecules faster than the speed of light which is officially titled Quantum Coherence. It is sensitive to stimuli, electromagnetic frequency and human emotion. Our thoughts and emotions are electric and electromagnetic signals, so it makes sense that water responds on higher level to human expression. Water is a never-ending conduit of vibration, and we as humans express large amounts of vibration. However, it is us that has to initiate waters healing transformation so that we may receive that same gift of healing returned to us.  

 It has been shown that we react positively to water. Curative water treatments have been around for as long as we can remember for mild illness to extreme cases such as infertility, blindness, digestive issues and even cancer. Sea bathing, holy wells and hot mineral springs have been a place of rejuvenation and rebirth for physical, mental and spiritual ailments. When we are one with the water, we become calmer, happier, less anxious and freer in our lives.  

Your practice does not have to be complicated to be effective. Simply listening to the sound of water calms the body and promotes and boosts our relaxation inducing parasympathetic response. It has been shown that this lowers the stress hormones cortisol and aldosterone in the body. As well as reducing blood pressure and slowing the heart rate. Working with water allows us to find peace in our chaotic society. 

It has been thought that humanity originated from the womb of the deep sea. We are more like water than any other of mother earth’s elements. We are both fluid, creative, continuous transformation, resilient, self-aware and can manifest new life. It is so ingrained within humanity that our brains are pre-programmed to seek out water. The power that water carries is immense and carries such incredible magic. There is no doubt that we are the water itself. It is us, and we are it.  

Knowing this we can embrace the waters of our home. We can passionately offer rituals of love, healing, positive energy, sigils, offerings and mantras to the sacred waters to which we so gratefully care for. I love to meditate and visualize sending healing light spreading towards rivers, oceans, lakes and waterfalls. Nourishing them with divine universal energy.  

No matter your religious or spiritual preference you are made in the same image as water. We can completely transform the cellular structure of the water in our environments. And as its mirror it can transfer that energy back to the innermost levels of our DNA which then manifests positive revisions into our physical and vibrational planes.  And that is how we heal ourselves through water spirituality.   

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About the author 

Catherine Robinette

Catherine Robinette is an energy medicine practitioner, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, chakra healer, and distance healing specialist. She is also a yoga teacher, mindfulness meditation guide, and member of the Reiki Healing Association. She is a practicing water priestess and an admin for Annwyn Avalon’s Water Priestess Facebook group. For more, visit

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