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Honoring Your Body’s Wisdom & Moontime Magic

Your body has great wisdom; let it show that wisdom to you! When treated with care, your body is your greatest friend. It can tell you everything you need to know. 

Trusting Your Body Wisdom 

Listening to and accepting your body and the messages it sends you is the surest path to a healthy, beautiful body. By becoming quiet and listening to yourself, you can quite easily discover how to best care for yourself. Health is the natural harmony and balance that arise within the body and spirit when they are properly cared for, and all it requires is your willingness to listen. Some days, perfect health might mean eating a lot and resting. Other days, perfect health might mean exercising and laughing 
a lot. 

Body Wisdom and Intuition 

Besides telling you all you need to know about how to take care of your physical needs, listening to your body also gives you all the information you need to take care of yourself in any situation. This skill is called intuition. I like to think of my intuition as the part of myself that is always awake and paying attention, even if I am sleeping or distracted. My intuition is my own personal antenna. 

The more you pay attention to the messages your intuition sends you, the sharper or more finely tuned your antenna becomes. For example, when some people are in an unsafe situation, they experience intuition as a queasy feeling in their stomach that tells them it’s time to leave. Intuition is the part of themselves that tells them that, even though everything might look okay on the outside, something isn’t right about a person or a situation. 

Your intuition can clue you in as to whether someone is being honest with you. It can also guide you to try out a new class or sport by giving you a little nudge from within, a little excitement at the idea of trying something new. And intuition can even help you be “lucky”: sometimes, when something that seems lucky happens — for example, you’re in the right place at the right time — you can look back and remember little messages or feelings you experienced that urged you to be there. That’s intuition, and it is invaluable. It is your own personal bodyguard and dream maker. It is your personal healer and friend. If you learn to listen to your body and give yourself time for quiet, you will be able to develop a very strong understanding of your intuition and how it works. And by following your intuition, you will always be able to make good choices for yourself. 

Trust yourself ! Listen to your body and its desire for hugs, movement, dance, play, and sports. Take time to just chill. Hang out, sit, stretch, walk, read, and cry if you need to. The body is the physical expression of the spirit, so by doing what your body wants you to do, you can come to know your spirit. As you grow and express your beautiful self in ways that you love, your body grows stronger and healthier, and your spirit shines more and more. 


Moontime Massage 

Massage is a great way to prevent and relieve pain, balance emotions, and help you feel healthy. Acupressure is a type of massage that places pressure on certain points on the body, called acupressure points, to assist in healing. Acupressure points are special points that correspond to the various muscles and organs and to your energy. It is perfectly safe to use acupressure on yourself or someone else. Just pay attention to what feels good so that you don’t press too hard, which won’t feel good! Here are three acupressure massage techniques to try, the first for menstrual pain, the second for balancing the emotions of PMS, and the third for an excellent massage at any point during your moontime. 

Moontime Monthly Massage 

For an easy do-it-yourself massage that feels wonderful, rub six drops of essential oil with massage oil onto your lower abdomen. Continue rubbing in a circular clockwise motion for several minutes to ease pressure and relieve cramping. Then let yourself drift off to a dreamy sleep. 

Massage with Friends 

You can do massage with your friends. Use massage oil and take turns giving one another foot massages. There are acupressure points above the heel and just below the anklebone, and rubbing these can be very soothing at moontime. 

For centuries, women’s healing and body wisdom came from observing a woman’s menstrual cycle. Paying attention to your own cycle, and what makes you feel good, will support you to be in good health throughout your life. Listening to your body’s needs and responding will also strengthen your intuition. Following your intuition will help you be healthy, safe, and confident. 

Excerpted from the book Your Moontime Magic. Copyright ©2020 by Maureen Theresa Smith. Printed with permission from New World Library — 

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About the author 

Maureen Theresa Smith

Maureen Theresa Smith is the author of Your Moontime Magic and First Moon. She offers visionary coaching to girls and women in times of transition, as well as facilitating regular “Girls Circles” for tweens. She lives in Fairfax, California with her daughter Chloe. Find out more about her work at

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