It is a love letter to you, sensitive soul, because you need to hear this. You are a divine creation. You are perfect. You are worthy of and deserve love, abundance, compassion, success, fun, energy, pleasure, laughter, joy and everything you could possibly imagine for yourself in this lifetime.
This is a love letter because too many of us feel unworthy. Too many of us feel broken. We spend our lives trying to “fix” something we feel is innately wrong with us. As sensitive women, we are especially prone to feel like we need a good “fixing,” and that once we solve the problem of who we are, then we can live the life of our dreams.
If there is any part of you that felt tears prick as you read those words, or if you felt something stir in your body, or if resistance came up, or if relief swept over you, that is perfect. You are exactly where you need to be right now. Stay with me.
I am here to tell you that you can have that life exactly as you are right now, without any fixing required. All that’s required is a shift in perspective and a full, loving embrace of yourself exactly as you are right now.
What a relief to know that you don’t actually have to change, right? There is nothing in you that you need to eradicate. There need only be the action of embracing the totality of you.
If you are a sensitive woman, you are likely well acquainted with the “shadow” side of sensitivity. Perhaps life has felt hard for you, challenging. Perhaps it has felt like you can’t sustain your “light.” Perhaps you have disowned your sensitivity because you can’t see how you can live the life you want and be a sensitive person. Perhaps it has brought pain because you care so deeply. Does this sound familiar? It was my story for a long time.
My life purpose is to help sensitive women raise their overall vibration so they can experience the light side of their gifts on a more consistent basis. Embracing your badass and owning your whole, gorgeous self is a process, but one of the very first things that will empower you is to learn how truly gifted you are.
Letting our light shine means owning our gifts and its time to own your gifts! It’s time to embrace the light side of your sensitivity so you understand at a cellular level that you are a gift, just as you are.
Here are Five Gifts of Being a Highly Sensitive Person:
- You are a natural healer: Because of your ability to deeply connect to others, your ability to feel deep compassion, empathy and love, you are able to lift the spirits of those around you. We have a natural desire to relieve the suffering of others because we understand what that pain feels like. You might be a literal healer, but if you’re not, I encourage you to start seeing where you heal in your everyday life. Is it as a parent? A teacher? Through your art? Your writing? Your friendship? Do you heal through hugs? Through deep listening? Through a smile or kind gesture? Start noticing how you might be a healing presence in the lives of those around you.
- Your unique mind can change the world: Your ability to notice everything happening around you on multiple levels, and your ability to analyze and consider all sides of a situation is how you create change. You are often able to see things that others may not. We are very often the dreamers, the idealists, the ones who see a bigger vision of how the world could be. Where would this world be without you? Imagine the world without Abraham Lincoln, Princess Diana, Jane Goodall, Martin Luther King, Jr. These are just a few of your tribe of Highly Sensitive Thought Leaders.
- You are a spiritual teacher: As sensitive souls, we have the ability to awaken others. Through our healing presence and our love, we naturally awaken the consciousness of others. We love fiercely. We help those around us tap into the parts of themselves that they might have forgotten. We help others tap into their love, their gifts, and to remember their divinity. Again, by simply existing, you do this. As a friend, an artist, a lover, a parent, a counselor, a coach, a healer, a software developer, a musician – it doesn’t matter! Love is healing, and that is who you are at your core. You have a natural healing presence.
- You are an energy worker: All sensitive people are natural energy workers. This simply means that we are highly aware of energy and vibrations. You have the natural ability to transmute energy, shift it, move it and feel it, perhaps even see it. You have the power to shift the energy in the room simply through intention. You can shift the energy simply with a smile or with a hug. How powerful!
- You are an artist: Sensitivity means that you intuitively know how to create beauty everywhere you go. Whether it’s creating the perfect lighting for your dinner party, cooking an amazing meal, writing a heart-healing poem, putting a plant in just the right spot; you are an expert in creating an experience. Our incredible ability to appreciate beauty is what allows us to create it.
Perhaps you’ve never seen yourself in this light, and that’s understandable. Many of us have never considered that we have these gifts and they lie dormant. It’s time to awaken these gifts so you can use them intentionally! We are more powerful than we know. We are conscious creators who often don’t realize what we are capable of creating and experiencing.
It’s time to celebrate your greatness, your beauty, your sensitivity and the totality of who you are! There is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect.