Our homes are three-dimensional vision boards. They are a representation of what we think about our lives that we interact with on a daily basis. The things that we place within our homes, their colors, scents, shapes, and other characteristics all add to the overall energy of our home. When we think of our home in this way, we can use it to attract those feelings and things that we desire into our lives. Look around your home now. If you were a stranger walking into your home, what would you imagine that the homeowner’s greatest desires were based on what you see in the home and how it is arranged? What do you think the homeowner’s greatest challenges are? Everything in your home tells a story, including the colors, image choices, style of furniture and their placement, the amount of clutter (whether it is hidden or not), the scents, lighting, and sounds. Everything adds to the total picture and energy of the vision board that you have created in your home. What story are you telling through your home? What story would you like to tell?
Set Your Love and Relationship Intentions
One of the most common feng shui requests I’ve received is how to set up one’s home to attract love or a new relationship, or to enhance an existing relationship. As with anything that we want to bring into our lives, we first must set an intention and create space for what we desire. What exactly is it that you want to invite into your life and your space? Is it a better relationship with yourself or someone already present in your life? Or do you want to attract a new partner into your life? Asking yourself these questions first begins to build the energetic foundation for what you are creating. Even if you do not have a complete picture of what you want to attract, tap into how you want to feel on a daily basis once you have that desired relationship and use those emotions as a basis for setting up your home. Once you have a clear intention, there are some shifts that you can make in your home to attract the energy of love and relationship into your life, starting with clutter clearing.
Create Physical Space for the Relationship
Once your intention is set, the next step is to make physical space for this new relationship. Looking especially at your bedroom, if the closets and drawers are packed full, where would the person in your new relationship even put their things? Make some space to energetically announce to the Universe that you have room in your life for a new relationship. If your bedroom and other spaces are full of work items, it looks as if your work is consuming all parts of your life. Is that true? Shifting and releasing items goes hand in hand with shifting and releasing thoughts about our lives. If making space for a relationship is a priority, how can we adjust other aspects of our life to reflect this?
Consciously Choose What is In Your Bedroom
When making space for the new relationship, make sure to look at any photographs, gifts, or other items from previous relationships. If the items bring your energy down or remind you of negative aspects of the relationship, release them. If you want to keep the items, keep them in a place other than the bedroom and relationship areas of your home. The first place in your home to make these adjustments is the bedroom because that represents our inner most self. There are other areas of the home that also represent love and relationships that can be addressed while we are making these adjustments.
Identifying the Relationship Section of Your Home
Are you wondering where the relationship area of your home is? In feng shui, some practitioners use an energy map to demonstrate where in the home different life energies are focused. If you are standing in any doorway facing into a space, the love and relationship area is in the back right corner of the room. When you are enhancing these aspects of your life, you’ll want to take a good look at what you have placed in this area of your bedroom and other rooms in your home. Remove all clutter from these spaces and clean them with the intention of bringing more love into your life.
Clutter Clearing to Create Space for a New Relationship
Removing clutter from your spaces opens space for new people and things to come into your life. There is also other symbolism associated with what we keep and where we keep those things in our homes. Things that we want to remove are things that feel cold. Why? Because who wants their love life or relationship to feel cold? Other things to remove are broken things for a similar reason. We do not want our relationship to feel broken. Another thing we want to avoid in our relationship area is storage. Relationships do not need to be cluttered with our old baggage, for example.
Once we remove things from our space that do not reflect what we want to bring into our lives, then it is time to move forward with arranging what is left and adding some enhancements to the space. In general, in your bedroom, make sure that the energy can flow freely. Imagine you are a feather floating around the room, or a stream of water. Where would you get stuck? What would stop the flow? Are you able to move freely around the room without tripping over things, stubbing your toe, or bumping into things? Even in the dark, are you able to navigate the space with ease? Is the area under the bed clear as well?
Strategies to Enhance the Energy of Your Bedroom
What colors are dominant in your bedroom? Skin toned colors are best with splashes or pinks or reds to represent love. When adding objects, do so in pairs. So, if you add a candle, add two. If you add a vase, add two. Keeping objects in pairs also enhances the energy of attracting another into your life. Having two nightstands, pairs of items can attract the energy of two. Also be sure to take a look at the images that you have in your space. If every picture or piece of art has a single object in it, you are enhancing the energy of singularity – of oneness. Even if the image is a single flower or tree or any other object, does it have a match in the space?
How comfortable is your bed? Think about every aspect of your bed. Is the mattress supportive? Do the sheets feel good against your skin? Is the bed big enough for another person? If the bed is big enough, ask yourself if both sides of the bed are clear of clutter? Storing clothes, or books or other objects on the other side of the bed does not leave room for another person in your life. Does the bed have a strong, supportive headboard? If you think of your room as a space to nurture yourself and potentially another, what do you need to shift in that space to make it more supportive?
By looking at our home and making some adjustments, we can attract whatever we desire into our lives. Our homes are a direct reflection of our beliefs and feelings about ourselves and our lives. When we enhance the love and relationship aspects of our home, we are in fact creating a more loving environment in which to spend our time and which will also amplify those energies in our lives. When we become clear about what we desire, release those things that do not support our desires and then make simple enhancements to our spaces, it’s just like creating a new vision board that we interact with to move toward our desired life.