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Create the Life You Want: 14 Tips to Harnessing the Power of Positive Energy

Create the Life You Want:  14 Tips to Harnessing the Power of Positive Energy by Kailean Welsh | #AspireMag

What kind of a day do you want? What do you want your life to be like? You have tremendous power to create the life you are looking for.

Scientists say that every cell in your body is filled with life, light, intelligence, and substance, which come together to create an atomic structure. Essentially, that makes you a quantum energy machine. You can create your own world by focusing your energy.

What you create (and have been creating, consciously or not) is what you believe, think about, worry about, and keep talking about. This can be positive, or not so positive. It can be in alignment with the ideas you have about the life you want, or it can be contrary and focused instead on all the things you don’t have and all the people and events that get in your way.

This reflects a very basic law of physics: what goes out must come back.

You, like everyone, go through the day with an onslaught of unconscious mental activity. Automatic thoughts (images, memory fragments, comparisons, assumptions, and judgments constantly flash in our minds. You have gotten so used to them, you hardly notice. Oh, but they are creating a vibrational pull that is drawing straight to you all that resonates with what you’ve been thinking about.

A frightening report indicates that 80% of thoughts are negative. No wonder life feels heavy and overwhelming. Of the 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts experienced each day, as many as 98% of them are the same thought as the day before. It is no wonder people often feel stuck and in a rut.

If you want something different, it’s time to think something different. Once you know how this works, you can consciously focus your creative ability.

Here are some tips to harness the power of positive energy and get your life moving in the direction you choose.

  • You are always creating something by what you say, think, and believe. So pay attention and choose wisely.
  • There is power in the spoken word. Saying what you want out loud focuses your thoughts.
  • What you focus on expands.
  •  Your thought patterns create grooves in your brain. Neuropathways are created by your repetitive thoughts, making it easier to have a similar thought the next time.
  • You need to eliminate indecisive words like “trying,” “hoping,” and “wanting.”
  • Negative thoughts bring negative experiences; positive thoughts bring positive experiences.
  • Doubt messes up the message. If you don’t believe you can have it, you won’t have it.
  • Use positive language. Our subconscious mind does not recognize “not.” So, instead of saying, “I will not lose my temper,” say: “I will handle my anger appropriately.”
  • By saying things in a positive way, your entire life becomes more positive.
  • If you want to think positive things, you must keep yourself in a positive state. Strive to eliminate complaining, worrying, and criticizing. Stay away from negative people, places, and things.
  • Positivity thrives in appreciation, laughter and joy.
  •  Your creative ability must serve the highest and best good for yourself and all others.
  • When you bring your mind and heart together, you become a creative force to be reckoned with.
  • Clarity is important. Be conscious of what you’re asking for.

Integrating positive language into your everyday vocabulary, and eliminating the negative, may take a bit of practice. Be patient with yourself. But be aware. With every thought you are making a choice and creating your future.

“If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely.

If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence

to almost anything negative.” ~Betty Eadie

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About the author 

Kailean Welsh

Kailean Welsh is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice. She specializes in practical spirituality–helping people “Illuminate Their Best Self,” so they can create the life they yearn for. Using a holistic approach, Kailean recognizes the importance of finding balance physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. With an extensive background in spiritual science and ancient wisdom teachings, she is passionate about returning psychology to its roots as “care of the soul.”

Kailean works with clients at her office in Wisconsin, as well as virtually. She also offers transformational workshops and team-strengthening events. An avid reader, Kailean loves sunshine, water, bike riding, and family. You can learn more about her and the work she does, at her website:

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