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Coloring Mandalas: A Prescription for a Healthy You

Coloring Mandalas: A Prescription for a Healthy You by Kathryn Costa | #AspireMag
(C) Kathryn Costa

Stress kills. We’ve all heard it before how stress can wear us down physically and mentally. It can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and anxiety. The truth is that stress is part of life. We can’t escape it. What we can do is manage it. Reversing the damage done by stress doesn’t have to be hard work, in fact, it can be like child’s play.    

In recent years, we’ve seen adult coloring books everywhere from bookstores to grocery stores and even the office supply store. While coloring may appear to be a childish pastime, it offers incredible benefits to your health. 

How is coloring healing? 

When we sit down to color, we may feel physically and emotionally exhausted. Our minds contribute to this exhaustion as it races over all of the events of the day, the people we interacted with and our ever growing to do list. A shift happens when as we redirect our attention from all of the scattered thoughts to focus on what is before us as we add color to the shapes on the coloring page. 

When we relax our minds, our bodies relax. Within moments of coloring, you’ll find the tension in your shoulders soften and your breath slow down. It’s when our bodies relax deeply that the healing begins. 

My dear friend Don who had been diagnosed with cancer was an extremely prolific artist in his last years. Surprised by this, I asked him, “How is it that you can create so much at a time when are in pain, drained of energy, and you know that you are nearing death’s door?” Don answered, “You don’t have to think about your troubles all of the time. Going into my studio to create gives me a break from my stressful situation. I get lost in my art and it brings me joy.” In that moment, Don gave me permission to take care of myself each time I pause my busy mind to enjoy my creative projects. 

How does coloring mandalas differ from other designs? 

Coloring Mandalas: A Prescription for a Healthy You by Kathryn Costa | #AspireMag
(C) Kathryn Costa

A mandala is a circular design that traditionally has shapes that repeat around a center point. The word mandala comes from Sanskrit and means “circle” or “center.” Like meditation and yoga, coloring mandalas is a centering activity. Just as we focus on the repetition of our breath in meditation and yoga, we experience the same healing rhythm both in the motion of coloring, moving our hands back and forth, as well as filling a design that has within it repeating patterns. Where the mandala patterns offer a sense of order, the designs in other coloring books can feel scattered and chaotic. Add to this the boundary of the circle contributes to a feeling of safety and wholeness. 

Six Ways to Maximize the Healing Benefits of Coloring Mandalas 

Unplug to Plug In 

Turn off the TV, phone, and any devices that may distract you as you color your mandala. Turn on some relaxing music, a water fountain, or savor the silence. By tuning out any outside distractions, you open up to connecting to your intuition and the wisdom of your soul. 

Repeat a Mantra 

A mantra is a powerful sound or vibration repeated during meditation. The mantra is silent and has no meaning so that the mind isn’t focused on any outcome. Repeating a mantra while coloring allows you to access heightened levels of awareness and bring your thoughts back to the present moment. 

Set an Intention or Affirmation 

Before you begin coloring, you may set an intention for your mandala practice. Affirmations like, “Love flows through me and to me,” “Success expands in my life,” “I let go and surrender,” or “I am serene, no matter what is occurring around me,” can be repeated silently as you color the mandala. The finished mandala will convey the energy of the intention. Hang it up in your home or office as a reminder and to feel the healing energy. 

Focus on Friendships 

Dedicate your coloring time and the finished mandala to a friend. As you color, think of your friend, what you admire in her and your fond memories of time together. Consider using her favorite colors. Gift the mandala to your friend and tuck in a note that expresses what she means to you. 

Connect to Gratitude 

Recalling what we appreciate in our lives, helps us to see how we are truly blessed. As you color your mandala, write words or phrases in the shapes and spaces in and around the mandala that reflect the blessings in your life. One variation of the gratitude mandala is to write in the names of the people in your life whom you are grateful for and include words that speak to the qualities that you admire in them. 

Invoke Calm or Get Energized 

Color has an effect on our emotions and energy levels. If you are experiencing strong emotions, try using soft pastel colors to invoke a sense of peacefulness and serenity. If your energy is low, use vibrant colors like hot pink, orange, and teal.  

To get started with your mandala coloring practice, search the internet for free mandala coloring pages. I encourage you to begin with what you already have for coloring supplies and then add to your stash. There are so many options to choose from including colored pencils, water based or alcohol markers, and gel pens. Have fun playing and remember, it’s good for your health. 

Common Side Effects of Stress 

On Your Body 

  • Headache 
  • Muscle tension or pain 
  • Chest pain 
  • Fatigue 
  • Change in sex drive 
  • Stomach upset 
  • Sleep problems 

On Your Mood 

  • Anxiety 
  • Restlessness 
  • Lack of motivation or focus 
  • Feeling overwhelmed 
  • Irritability or anger 
  • Sadness or depression 

On Your Behavior 

  • Overeating or under-eating 
  • Angry outbursts 
  • Drug or alcohol abuse 
  • Tobacco use 
  • Social withdrawal 
  • Exercising less often 

Source: “Stress Symptoms: Effects on your body and behavior,” Mayo Clinic 

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About the author 

Kathryn Costa

Kathryn Costa loves to ignite creativity in others and specializes in working with beginners who say, “I can’t draw,” or “I’m not creative.” Kathryn has taught thousands of people the joys of drawing their own mandala art in her YouTube videos, workshops, and her book “The Mandala Guidebook: How to Draw, Paint, and Color Expressive Mandala Art.” Learn more at

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