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Color as a Tool for Transformation

Color as a Tool for Transformation by Carolyn McGee | #AspireMag

Color is a powerful and healing tool to understand the health of our bodies, relationships and emotions.  The colors we choose to wear and decorate our living spaces can bring great change and support.

What is your favorite color? Do you have colors that you don’t like? Color is not only a vibration that we can see with our eyes, it is also an energetic vibration that has an impact on our health, abundance, spiritual connection and perception of the world.  Each color vibrates at a certain frequency and the color enhances certain characteristics and attributes.

Let’s take a look at the 6 colors of the rainbow.  Red is the densest or lowest frequency color and is found at the base of the rainbow.   The colors then progress to orange, yellow, green, blue and purple with the highest frequency is at the top of the rainbow.

RED can be a warning or associated with anger, like the red flag can inflame the bull. Red is also associated with power; the red tie is a power tie. It is associated with being fully present.  If you love the color red then you probably are comfortable with who you are and where you fit in the world. If you don’t like red you may not feel confident about your safety or security. Red may overwhelm you.  Too much red can cause flare-ups of anger and impatience.   Red is associated with nature, being grounded, our physical body, safety, security and trust.  Red creates an increased heart rate and urgency to take action.  Red can stimulate the appetite and has been used in restaurants and packaging to induce buying.

The color ORANGE is associated with our emotions, creativity and passion.  Orange is optimism, uplifting and rejuvenating.   Orange can help you become more spontaneous and have a positive outlook.  Orange looks for adventure, enthusiasm, confidence and independence.  If you are comfortable with orange you most likely a connoisseur of life, love social interaction and free spirit.  People who are repelled by the color orange may be limiting themselves and others, struggle with communication or be set in their way of doing things.

YELLOW is another power color but is mostly about personal power.  Yellow allows you to say “no”.  Yellow can help you create boundaries and be strong on your own.   Yellow is the energy and power we absorb from the sun.  Yellow is new ideas, uplifting, knowledge and logic.  People who love yellow are enthusiastic, optimistic, confident, determined and love a challenge.  If you have a hard time making a decision, are impulsive or have self-worth questions you may not like yellow.

GREEN is all about relationships, kindness and healing. Green is the color of Mother Earth, nature, abundance and love. Green helps us to renew our energy, reduce stress, renew faith and love unconditionally.  Lovers of green are peacemakers, relaxed, gentle and open to new ideas.  If you are not comfortable with green then check to see if you have closed your heart to partnership, are struggling with accepting help or have an imbalance in your life.

BLUE stands for loyalty, openness, responsibility and serenity.  Blue is security, authentic expression, integrity and calmness.    When you resonate with blue, your body is open to the flow of life just like water flows to the sea.   You will enjoy blue if you are comfortable with personal communication and self-expression.  If you have a difficult time trusting people, are inflexible and love to live in the past vs present than you may not resonate with blue.

PURPLE is spirituality, imagination, royalty and ideals.  Purple can be soothing, introspective, expansive and a seeker of truth.  This is the color of imagination, harmony, connection, intuition and peace.  Those who love purple are sensitive, vulnerable, unique and wise.  If you are not comfortable with purple then perhaps there is an imbalance in your physical and spiritual bodies.

The characteristics of color can give us clues as to where we are in balance and where we can use some support.  We can use color to add stability to our body, enhance our homes and energy.  If you notice the colors in your environment and how they make you feel; you can make adjustments to get more of what you’re looking for.  You can add or subtract colors to achieve the energy that best supports you.

Here are a few examples of how color adjustments can be powerful.  When I was going through my divorce communication between my kid’s dad and me was difficult.   When I moved into my new home I painted my entryway terracotta (orange). I did this to enhance open conversation between him and me when he brought our children home.   We had some of our best negotiations in that orange space.

My teenaged son has a big heart but can lose his temper quickly.  He loves the color green and asked to have his bedroom painted like the Red Sox Green Monster.   I knew that it would be a soothing color for him but was still amazed at how he intuitively would go to his room to soothe himself and gather his emotions before he said or did anything when he was angry.   The green color helped him center and calm himself so he could clearly speak what he needed.

I was given the opportunity to talk about my business growth at a conference.  As I was deciding on what to wear I realized that the biggest factor in my growth was following my intuition.   Then it was an easy choice to wear a purple dress to accentuate my power of being a spiritual leader.

Color is an easy way to add or subtract energy in any area of our lives.  Look at what you want or don’t want in your environment and life.   You can use the power of color to make any adjustments necessary to achieving your goals.

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About the author 

Carolyn McGee

Creatrix and Intuitive Carolyn McGee is the creator of the Sacred Haven Community & Offerings which includes North Carolina retreats, virtual gatherings, empowering workshops and soul-nurturing VIP weekends for women ready to connect with their inner wisdom, discover the power of nature's cycles, and create a life that lights them up.

As a Master Intuitive Healer, Teacher & Coach Carolyn is the creator of the Soul Clarity System, specializing in amplifying YOUR Intuitive Superpower and has co-authored numerous bestselling books. She is a popular TV co-host and sought-after speaker and blogger.

Unleash your intuitive superpowers and download the Soul Clarity Support Bundle today and visit for inspiring content.

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  • Virg Lewis says:

    Carolyn – your descriptions of colors are solid. I also appreciate the adding of why you may not relate to a certain vibration in a color. I have color all around me. I want to be energized and have some bit of calming all the time.

    • Virg, I am glad that the information on why certain colors do not resonate with you was helpful. Color can bring powerful awareness and opportunities for healing. Carolyn

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