We are so much more than we seem, or thought we were. The adventure of self-discovery is truly the most interesting and life changing journey we can take.

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I share my fondness for trees to inspire you to cultivate a relationship with them. Befriend the ones that live near you. Spend time with them. Ask them questions and tell them what you love about them. If you struggle to love yourself, tell the trees and ask them for help. Perhaps sit with your back against their trunk and see if you can feel their support. Imagine your heart connecting to the heart of a tree.

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Gabby Bernstein shares an excerpt from her new book, May Cause Miracles about the power of choosing gratitude, forgiveness, and love. As you do you will experience more miracles in your life. Gabby shares her definition of “miracle”: a miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love.” When we become open to letting go of our fear, we open our heart, mind, and energy to be guided to a new perspective. Willingness raises your consciousness of new possibilities and ignites what I call your ~ing (your inner guide).

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We carry unresolved stress from the past, and it can negatively affect our present. Ancestral Clearing can help release this unhealthy energy.

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Astrology and energy are connected. There are four main astrological energies in astrology and they are called elements. The four elements are the fire element, air element, water element, and earth element. The twelve zodiac signs use their energy element to overcome obstacles and to heal.

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