It’s that time of year again when kids head back to school and your family settles into a new routine. As a mom of four daughters, I understand what it’s like to feel a mixture of relief and uncertainty heading into the school year. It’s time for a new teacher, different classmates and new expectations which creates anxiety for many kids about school. Here are 5 ways to reduce anxiety and help support your child’s health this school year.

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We all love a good night’s sleep and how it makes us feel. There are times when falling asleep is a struggle. Rachel Kieffer shares 8 rituals to help you get a restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.

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Have you always felt different? When Jenn Granneman, author of The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden World, first heard the term introvert she realized that she was not alone. Today she’s on a mission to let other introverts know there’s nothing wrong with them. Being an introvert is a perfectly normal “thing” to be.

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Summer vacation spells breaking free, indulging and having fun and that’s great but it does not have to come on the expanse of your health.
Whether your vacation is local or far, short or long and anything in between, the following tips can help you make it a healthy vacation with a few easy adjustments.

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The Self-Love Experiment is a challenge I gave myself to become my own best friend. It was born out of a desperate need to feel more connected to my life and myself. I wanted to know what it was like to live at peace with myself in my body and finally end the war I had been carrying on inside myself for more than three decades. Was it possible that this battle might finally subside? I wanted to find out, so I set out on a giant adventure.

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