In life, your Yellow Brick Road is your unique pathway that you journey upon to get to your OZ. Every one of us on the planet has our own unique Yellow Brick Road to our very own Oz. Comparing yourself to someone else is pointless, because they don’t have the same OZ (mission, purpose, goal) as you nor the same journey to get there.

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Relationship Development is when you learn how to be happy regardless of what goes on around you and relate in a way that builds up your relationships instead of controlling or oppressing others.

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Relationship Expert Stacey Martino shares the important differences between boundaries and standards and why it matters when creating a healthy relationship.

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Accidental Alignment Predicament is when you fall in love and start living your life with your partner, and you assume that you are going to align on the big things because you are married, but you don’t.  You will NOT accidentally align with your spouse just because you fell in love. Those moments where you EXPERIENCE that lack of alignment are usually because there was an “assumed” alignment, but it was never actually created.

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In the Transforming Your Relationship column series, How to Create Your Unshakable Love & Unleashed Passion in 8 Simple Steps, I guide you deeper into each of the 8 transformational steps of my Relationship Transformation System® and give you a tool or strategy to implement to experience a shift in your relationships that day! In this installment, I share the Step 8: Sensuality (Sex), the final step in the system.

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