Focus your attention on your heart. When your heart feels open, expanded and light, then you know you’re on the right track for greater love. When it’s shut down, tight or heavy, you know you’re going in the direction of less love. When this happens, shift your thoughts, feelings, and actions so they support the opening of your heart. Try these three mantras to help you shift to a new paradigm and open your heart to a deeper and higher love.

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Contrary to what greeting cards tell us, love isn’t just flowers, hearts, and a warm, fuzzy feeling; it’s actually a field of energy that we can tap into on many different levels—physical, emotional, and spiritual. This love energy is what makes life truly joyful and juicy.

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hat if I told you that it’s not your job to know HOW your soul mate is going to appear? What if I told you it’s only your job to be ready, willing and open to love. Think about it this way: you really don’t know where air comes from but you do believe that it’s always there for you, right?

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