Just as predictably as the ball drops in Times Square as we greet the 1st day of January, people around the world ...

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Watch for the email to confirm your subscription so we can send you your gifts. (Check your spam folder.)
Just as predictably as the ball drops in Times Square as we greet the 1st day of January, people around the world ...
Contrary to what greeting cards tell us, love isn’t just flowers, hearts, and a warm, fuzzy feeling; it’s actually a field of ...
A few years ago, at a get-together of a dozen girlfriends from college, I saw my old friend, Therese Gibson. When I ...
The woman sitting across from me was radiant. Mirabai Devi, an international spiritual teacher from South Africa, was known for the unconditional ...
“Happiness for any reason is just another form of misery.”—The Upanishads Deep inside, you know that true happiness doesn’t come from merely ...
“Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it.” –Thaddeus Golas, 20th century ...
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