Healthy relationships evolve as each person evolves in his or her ability to be loving to themselves and each other. Is your relationship healthy? Dr. Margaret Paul, creator of the Inner Bonding process, shares ten signs of a healthy relationship.

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Big love is possible for any one of any age if you are willing to become a magnet for love. Continue to live each day in the knowingness that you are in a loving, committed relationship as you savor the waiting for your beloved to arrive.

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We all want to experience real love, but how would you define it? How do you know when what you are experiencing is real love? Discover the answers to these questions in this article.

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Are you “loving” another to get something for yourself? “There can be no greater mistake than that.” Because whatever it is you are doing is not love. You are completely missing what love is. And in trying to “love” another to get something for yourself, you will always be disappointed. Your relationships will not work because they work only when there is love. How do you reach a point where you don’t need anything from another – where you are so filled up with love within that you just want to offer it?
By learning how to fill yourself with love.

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The identification with being a mom is a powerful one. Our role is clear: We are caretakers, nurses, counselors, and teachers. We are chefs, home organizers, personal assistants, and coaches. We wear so many hats as a mom that it’s easy to forget we once had a life on our own, before kids. Motherhood is so occupying that it’s challenging to bring it into balance with our other aspects—our sensuality as women, our need to find expression for our intellect and creativity, our careers, and our desire to serve our greater community. Yet these are the yin and yang qualities that paint the portrait of a complete woman—a woman and a mom today.

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