Are “love excuses” keeping you from finding love? Excuses are self-deceiving. That’s what they’re meant for. They are nothing more than false stories we convince ourselves to be true. The tragedy is that, with time, they become our reality. Here are five of the most common love excuses we hear, and why they aren’t true.

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If you fear commitment like many people, you might want to consider the following: Know that no relationship is conflict free, but you are worthy of having a relationship that makes you happy. If you aren’t there yet, embrace where you are now. What is it that holds you back from achieving a satisfying relationship? And once you have it, what will you do when you get there?

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The key ingredients to a successful second marriage are selecting a partner who is a good match for you and both partners willingness to work through the inevitable hard times of a marriage. With courage and persistence, you can defy the statistics that say that your romantic relationships are doomed to fail and learn to trust yourself and others again.

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by  Shary Hauer   

When it came to seeking my life partner, I was determined to do it the right way. I read all the evolved relationship books including Calling in the One by Katherine Woodward Thomas and Daphne Rose Kingma’s Finding True Love. I worked on my spiritual self incessantly. I took a smart, mature, enlightened approach to my love life. Or, so I thought. I had absolutely no clue that my insatiable hunger for love actually blocked me from receiving it. I was an expert at resisting the very thing I wanted most. But, I couldn’t see it.

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Having the confidence to take time to understand yourself and choose the right partner is one of the biggest challenges singles face. A good marriage or partnership is a gift if two people are ready to be accountable to each other and to make a commitment. But some people make a life-long commitment out of obligation or because they fear being alone or worry too much about societal expectations.

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