What is spiritually aware parenting, and how can it enrich our family’s life? Motherhood and parenting often invite us to a journey of exploration. One of the core aspects of spiritually aware parenting is acknowledging that our journey with our child(ren) is a shared one.

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If you feel less passion, less intimacy and less connection than you want in your relationship, please know that you are not alone! There’s an epidemic of passionless relationships right now and there’s a reason. Relationship Expert Stacey Martino shares the proven solution that has helped thousands of her students reignite the passion in their relationship.

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What profound spiritual invitation does parenting and our relationship with our child(ren) offer to our individual and shared journey? Efrat Shokef, Ph.D. shares her insights on the three universal soul promises: Truth, Attentiveness, and Motion.

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Venusian energy in our astrological charts points towards our preferred way of giving and receiving love, clueing us into what keeps connections alive.

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Shamanic Energy Healing Practitioner and author, Efrat Shokef, PHd, shares six spiritual practices we can use to nurture our energetics and that children can relate to.

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