Assessing and reflecting on the present energy of our home and resetting it to match our desires can be a simple and compassionate process. Interior Alignment® Feng Shui and Space Clearing Teacher and Soul Coaching® Teacher Felicia D’Haiti shares some strategies to help you reset the energy of your home.

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Set the foundation for self-care in your life by creating a safe, supportive and nurturing bedroom space in which to renew yourself and set the energy for your life. Feng Shui and Certified Soul Coach® Felicia D’Haiti shares five concepts to consider when creating a space that reflects self-care.

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Connecting to and changing the energy in our homes is one way to create a stable foundation from which we can make many mindset and other actionable changes in our lives to create an inner and outer environment that is safe, secure and nurturing and that promotes wellness in our lives. Feng Shui and Certified Soul Coach Felicia D’Haiti shares 5 ways you can shift the energy of your home.

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In a world where you can go into a supermarket and buy any produce all year round from anywhere in the world and step into fast food chains and restaurants that have the same menu any time of the year we lose our connection to the cyclical and seasonal needs of our bodies. Eating foods that are in season offers a variety of health benefits shared here along with a recipe.

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by  Mia Moran   

Why is it that we moms spend hours, weeks, months researching the best schools and summer camps, finding the best Christmas presents and birthday gifts, scoping out the best flat screen TVs, but we want to cook dinner in a quick 20 minutes. We don’t teach them two simple skills they will need for their whole life — healthy eating and cooking. Here are 5 tools for healthy eating – for Everyone, Every Day, lead by mom.

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