Smudging, an ancient ritual, becomes a sacred act of self-care when approached with intention and a touch of Goddess style. It’s a way to cleanse your space, purify your energy, and, most importantly, reconnect with your inner Goddess. In our modern world, where we often feel disconnected from our intuition, smudging offers a powerful tool for grounding, realigning, and expressing our authentic selves.

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Your intuition is meant to be used as your inner compass. When you discover how to break the code of your soul’s guidance, you will have learned your Spirit Speak. This transformational journaling process will support you in deciphering your Spirit Speak.

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Feminine Wisdom Teacher Crystal Cockerham shares, “It is vital for you to intentionally engage in the releasing of the old, outdated, and non-serving patterns, allowing yourself to BE in the liminal space, your energetic womb space before you emerge birthed anew. This is the rhythm of your Goddess Energy. When you honor it, your capacity to connect, heal and grow are infinite!”

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Taking time to unplug from technology and the outside noise is beneficial for all of us. When we are ‘plugged into’ outside sources it can drain our energy and personal power. Crystal Cockerham shares a sacred practice to take your power back.

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Within each of us is an untapped source of wisdom. The secret to accessing those pearls of wisdom is to create a daily practice that invites us to quiet our mind, BE in the moment, uncover the muck, and allow our soul to share its wisdom.

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