It’s Monday morning, you’re the boss. Do you typically: A) Leap from your bed with a jolt of excitement, eager to tackle the day ahead. Or B) Press snooze a few times, I mean, I am the boss, so my day will start when I feel like it. When you are living your message while running your business, it’s clear that ‘B’ doesn’t even factor into the equation. The goal is to be living every single day feeling like an ‘A’ with pep, enthusiasm, and excitement. You have the privilege to spend another day living your truth and spreading your message. If you’ve been feeling more like a ‘B’ lately, the good news is that with just a few tweaks you can be ‘A’ bound in no time.

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During the holidays it is inevitable that more is requested and required of us leading to higher stress levels and physical fatigue and burnout. Below are a few tips you can use to ease the overwhelm and actually enjoy the holidays.

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As busy entrepreneurs when we focus, we can complete more projects and in turn make a bigger impact for our clients. How then can we use good habits to get more done in a day?

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We women love each other, are inspired by each other, and yet we always compare “who’s better.” It’s been said “to compare is to despair,” and I agree! With these 5 steps, you can subdue that compare & despair gremlin.

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by  Lisa Wells   

Like so many heart-centered entrepreneurs maybe you were under the impression that “If I build it, they will come.” And I think we have all learned the hard way that this just doesn’t happen. Creating a successful business with money, clientele, time off, and flexibility all begins with how you market your business. Trust me when I tell you it’s all about the marketing.

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