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Can You Hear Me Now? 3 Common Blocks to Connecting with Your Spiritual Guidance

Can You Hear Me Now? 3 Common Blocks to Connecting with Your Spiritual Guidance by Kris Groth | #AspireMag

Do you feel like you are in a no reception zone, when it comes to hearing and connecting with your spiritual guidance? Spiritual Mentor Kris Groth shares three of the most common blocks she’s discovered in her work with clients over the last two decades. 

Do you ever feel disconnected from your higher power? Or maybe you know the connection is there, but there is something blocking you from feeling it or receiving messages.  

Do you feel like you are in a no reception zone, when it comes to your spiritual guidance? Like Spirit is on the other end repeating “Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?” 

What is blocking you from receiving support, love and guidance from the Divine? 

From my work with clients for the last 20+ years, I have noticed three common blocks that get in the way of cultivating a strong relationship with Spirit. (Note: I use the words: Spirit, Divine, God, angels, etc. interchangeably to include any spiritual beings of light that one may connect with for spiritual support. Please use whatever words work for you according to your personal beliefs and preferences.) 

  1. Unable to Trust Spirit 

During a group healing and mentoring call recently, one of the participants had the intention to open up to receive messages and guidance from Spirit. Rachel felt like she was constantly asking for help and guidance but was not receiving answers. This left her feeling frustrated and alone. Through a guided meditation, she realized that the source of her block was past trauma. Following a traumatic event in her childhood, she felt angry at God and her angels for abandoning her in her time of need. 

Subconsciously, Rachel decided that if she couldn’t trust them to keep her safe, she couldn’t trust them for anything else either. She put up a block as a way of protecting herself. A block that stopped her from receiving messages and also sensing any connection with Spirit. Now that Rachel is aware of this block and why it was created, she has the power to do something about it. 

Within the safety of the meditation, she also asked questions of Spirit, “Where were they when she needed them? How could they have allowed this to happen?” and finally received answers she desperately needed. “We were always there with you. We made sure you made it through the tough times and survived.” 

This revelation changed everything for her. She was not abandoned. She was not alone. Her old wounds began to heal and she was now able to take steps to re-open her connection to Spirit. 

  1. Unworthiness & Shame

Past trauma can also cause one to feel unworthy. Unworthy of being loved, unworthy of receiving good things in life, unworthy of happiness, and ultimately not good enough to be connected to Spirit. It is common after abuse to feel ashamed and “damaged”, believing the Divine would no longer want anything to do with them. They shut themselves off from any communication with Spirit, essentially isolating themselves and allowing the negative dialogue in their heads to take control.  

Actually, this can happen even without abuse or trauma. Unworthiness is something we all experience to one degree or another. It is a deeply-held unconscious belief that there is something wrong with us. I believe it is part of the human condition, and something that we need to learn to overcome and realize our innate value and worth. History of abuse seems to multiply this exponentially, as the hurtful words and actions of others are added to the already fragile self-worth, and snuff it out or bury it deep within. 

One of my clients, Kayla, grew up in a household that used shaming as a way to discipline. She took each “You should be ashamed of yourself” deeply within herself, and it formed the belief that no matter what she did, she was never good enough, and she was unworthy. She was also told that God would punish her for her mistakes. This not only reinforced her belief that she was bad, but also disconnected her from God. She believed that because she was so flawed, she would never be good enough and God could not love her.  

Through a healing session, she discovered a shield of shame she had erected to protect herself from being hurt. It also inadvertently kept her from feeling any love, support, or guidance from God. She kept that shield in place all these years believing she was unworthy of receiving and being loved.  

As this shield was removed, she could sense the love pouring in from above. Tears streamed down her face as she felt the loving presence of her spiritual support for the first time in many years. She finally knew without a doubt that she was worthy. Her spiritual connection and her old wounds began to heal. 

  1. Unable to Trust Self

Many people, myself included, just don’t trust their own intuition or senses. Maybe they have trusted it once and something bad happened, causing them to not be able to trust themselves. They blame themselves for bad judgement or poor intuition, and don’t believe any subsequent messages, inadvertently blocking more from coming. 

Sarah had just ended another relationship. Her boyfriend had been cheating on her for over a year and she never knew. All this time, she thought he was the man of her dreams. She kept asking herself how she could have been so wrong about him. This was not the first time she chose a guy who was bad for her. She decided her intuition could not be trusted. Even when the messages came in loud and clear, she pushed them aside. She felt she had let herself down too many times and could not trust herself. Shutting down her intuition also blocked her connection to spirit, since she was not trusting anything that came through her.   

I had been studying healing for many years. I worked with several teachers, attending retreats and seminars to open up my intuition and spiritual connection. I jokingly referred to myself as “the blind healer”, because it seemed like everyone around me was clairvoyant, but me. I wanted so badly to be like them! My frustration would build every time I went to a workshop, feeling worse about myself and my abilities. Why am I not receiving anything? What is wrong with me? 

As time went on, I realized that my gifts were not in clairvoyance, but in feeling (clairsentience). It is true that I don’t see things the way that others see them, but they don’t feel things the way that I do. It wasn’t that I was “blind”, I was just “seeing” it differently. I was so focused on messages being one way, that I was blocking them from coming another way. It took a lot of practice for me to trust the information that came to me, and to believe I was receiving information from the divine through sensations in my hands and my body.  

Pay Attention 

Once the blocks to a spiritual connection have been removed, it is important to be open and aware, and pay attention to the myriad of ways the communication may occur.  

We get so busy in our lives, rushing from one activity to the next. We may pray for signs or messages, but then we cruise along through our day and at the end say, “Hmm, I didn’t get any answers to my prayer.” Well, did you take the time to receive the message? Is your awareness open to receive the answer in whatever form it may come? 

Spirit is calling you. Are you listening? Can you hear it now? 

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About the author 

Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, heart, mind and soul, and to live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing, and spiritual mentoring sessions, including powerful custom guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls. Claim your free "Discover the Archangel Around You Quiz & Meditation" today and visit for more supportive resources.

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