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Blissful Bath Recipes: Two Nights to Clarity, Health, and Fantastic Sleep

Blissful Bath Recipes: Two Nights to Clarity, Health, and Fantastic Sleep by Amy Leigh Mercree | #AspireMag

For the last twenty-three years, it has been my honor to work as medical intuitive for thousands of people. I have learned so much about the human experience and what creates health and vitality.  

Here are three bath recipes to maximize your health, amplify your well-being, and clear your energy so you can embody your highest potential. I want you to feel good in your body and enjoy your life to the fullest. Try these on two successive nights, if you can, and see how wonderful you sleep and feel after taking this time for you. 

Baths are time mostly spent for the purpose of relaxing and refreshing. As a society, we are generally deficient in what is referred to as yin energy in traditional Chinese medicine. We live in a yang society overall. One that is more focused on thinking and doing (yang) and less so on feeling and being (yin).  

In the bath, we can simply be. We slow down so we can feel. We can build our yin energy which is the foundation for our immune systems, creativity, and more. Plus, we’re utilizing the massive power of intention and the plant world. So, immerse yourself today in the healing power of water and live your true radiance.  


Night One: Purify and Protect Mudra Bath 

Mudras are described simply as yoga for your hands and are used during meditation to create specific results.  


Fill the tub with pleasantly warm water.  

Add the following ingredients: 

  • 5 drops organic frankincense essential oil 
  • 5 drops organic ylang ylang essential oil 
  • 1+ tiger’s eye stone (optional)  


Frankincense: This oil is antimicrobial. On a spiritual level, it is at once opening and grounding. It helps us tap into our path to serve the highest good and live in joy.  

Ylang ylang: An exotic, relaxing oil, ylang ylang helps you surrender into feeling good so you can release all that prevents it.  

Tiger’s eye stone: Helps you release fear and anxiety to make space for better feeling thoughts and emotions.  


Sit comfortably in the bath and feel the ingredients relax you. Now, you will use the Kali or Ksepana mudra to dispel fear and tension. In Sanskrit, the name of this mudra means “to throw.” In this case, it means to throw away and clear obstacles to happiness. Interlace your fingers of both hands and place in front of the center of your chest. Cross your left thumb over your right thumb. Point your index fingers upward and fully extend them.  

Breathe and feel the essence of the Hindu goddess Kali before you. She is powerful and benevolent and she will protect you in a way that is empowering so you can embody your massive inner strength and resilience. Sit this way and breathe deeply. Feel Kali dusting your aura and supporting you. Let go of all that does not serve you and step into your next level.   


“I am strong, powerful, and clear.” 


Night Two: Complete Chakra Clearing Bath 

Use this bath process to scan and energetically cleanse all of your chakras at once! Allow yourself to experience full-power, miracle healing with ease.   


Fill the tub with pleasantly warm water.  

Add the following ingredients: 

  • 5+ clear quartz crystals 
  • 1+ white calcite stone 
  • 1 cup of Celtic sea salt 


Clear quartz: This mineral can amplify and, in this case,, it is being used to amplify clarification of the energy of your energy centers known as chakras. 

White calcite: The color white holds a vibrational imprint of all color and brings purity to the being. White calcite imparts angelic energy and white light. Accept it! 

Sea salt: Salt freshens the body’s energy body.  


Slide into your supercharged bath. How wonderful it feels! State aloud, “I decree that all of my chakras and m y entire energy body now be cleaned and cleared and I accept a divine filtering from the angelic realm and I am grateful.” 

Next, visualize a large, white sheet made of light six feet below you. It extends out six feet around you in all directions. Repeat the words, “elevate light,” as you envision the sheet slowly moving up and it begins to flow up though you. Keep repeating, “elevate light,” as it rises, and you see density or dirt accumulating on the sheet. Keep raising it up and repeating, “elevate light,” until it is six feet above you. Then state, “Dear angelic realm, thank you for this cleansing. I am grateful. Please transmute all that was removed and the sheet and recycle it into pure white light. It is done. I am now filled with pure, high vibrational white light.” 


“I am light.” 

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About the author 

Amy Leigh Mercree

Amy Leigh Mercree is a medical intuitive and bestselling author of eighteen books and card decks, including her newest Blissful Baths: 40 Rituals for Self-Care and Relaxation and Aura Alchemy: Learn to Sense Energy Fields, Interpret the Color Spectrum and Manifest Success.

Mercree instructs internationally sharing Meet Your Goddess Guides, Ancestral and Karmic Shamanism, and Atomic Healing Method Medical Intuitive Certification. She also offers medical intuitive and healing home sessions as well as small group mediumship readings.

Mercree has been featured in Glamour Magazine, Women’s Health, Inc. Magazine, Shape, The Huffington Post, Your Tango, Soul and Spirit Magazine, Mind Body Green, CBS, NBC, Hello Giggles, Reader’s Digest, The Oprah Magazine, Forbes, ABC, First for Women, Country Living, CW, FOX, Bustle, Well+Good, Refinery 29, Hello Glow, She Knows, Thrive Global, Spartan, Poosh, Parade Magazine, Oprah Daily, and many more.

Connect with Amy on and @AmyLeighMercree on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and take Amy’s Goddess Guide Quiz to Learn the goddess with whom you most align right now at>

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