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Beyond The Physical – Why Food Choices Matter

Food ChoicesWe all know that food choices affect our physical health. The foods we eat become the building blocks of our body and become part of our skin, our cells, our blood, our brain, making the saying “you are what you eat” literally true. When we eat foods that are high in nutrients we build a healthy and strong body and when we eat foods that are refined and depleted we set up the stage for health problems.

While nutritionally, foods can be broken down into what nutrients they contain, they do so much more than that. Our food choices affect us on energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual levels as well.

Foods have an energetic quality that manifests in our lives. When we eat foods that are whole and complete, the way they grow in nature, we feel more whole and complete. We get a sense that we have everything we need and that things are alright. When we eat food that is highly processed and fragmented; parts of it have been removed (usually the nutritious parts) and it no longer resembles the original version, we can assimilate that fragmentation and get a sense that something is missing or wrong.

Some foods have calming affects, they include intact whole grains, legumes and sweet vegetables like carrots and winter squashes. They help our blood sugar level become more stable and that translates to calmness of emotions. Refined grains and sugar do the opposite, they spike our blood sugar level and take us on an emotional roller coaster that can make us feel out of control, overwhelmed and drained. Sugar is also closely connected to willpower, when your blood sugar level is unstable you have very little will power, when it’s stable you have stronger will power.

So next time you are making food choices ask yourself some powerful questions that go beyond “Is this food healthy for me?”
“Will my body and cells love this food?”
“Will this food give me the energy I need to do all the things i want to do today?”
“Does this food support my emotional well-being?”
“Will this food help me achieve my goals and dreams?”
“Does this food support the life I want to create?”

Remember that when you are in good physical health, when your mood is elevated and you feel excited about life, when you can think clearly and sharply, when you feel connected to the world and to yourself you are pretty much unstoppable, you can heal from any condition and you achieve anything.

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About the author 

Rachel Kieffer

Rachel Kieffer leads women health circles and helps women heal their relationship with food and their bodies. Join her Facebook group, Fall in Love with a Healthy Life to be part of a community of women who support each other to live their healthiest and happiest lives. Get her free 3-Day Seasonal Cleanse at

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  • Jenny Mannion says:

    Love this Rachel! This speaks to the 7th chakra and being conscious when we eat. So many times people just grab and go with food and barely think about what they are eating. I love the questions you put out to ask your body! <3 Thank you!

  • Heather Kamine says:

    There is a book that has some good information called “Nutrition for Intuition” by Doreen Virtue

  • TheBacaJourney says:

    I love this way of being with food, Rachel. It is a natural extension of living your life from the inside out, guided by your inner wisdom.

  • Barb Parcells says:

    I especially like the last question. It’s all a part of the complete picture!

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